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  1. Thank you for all your help so far. I did a little more investigating and if I pull water from the pool, run it through the filter (DE filter with 8 screens in a circular pattern, and return to the pool, the pool loses no water. Sometimes a little air comes out the return lie. However the spa will lose water , a few inches per night, and it will stop draining once it hits a lever of about 4-5 inches of water left in the spa. I will avoid that snake oil stop leak stuff though and I guess I'll need a professional to help me?
  2. I believe my backwash line just dumps out onto the ground. There is no wet spot or water near this. I was thinking of trying this stuff. Does anyone have experience with it?
  3. I would like to add that I pull water from the pool, circulate it to the spa, then it waterfalls back into the pool. I do notice that when the filter s running I'll get some air bubbles coming out of the return in the spa. Happens every 15-30 minutes..sometimes longer, sometimes quicker. Additionally I don't have a skimmer, but a creepy crawley with a hose that connects directly to a pipe in the skimmer hole thing.
  4. Hello, I am new to owning a pool and I think mine may be leaking under ground some where. The water level of my pool will drop 1" every night when the filter runs. If I do not run the filter the water level doesn't drop at all. The pool is over 25 years old and was re-plastered 12-16 years ago according to the previous owners. I have pool covers on the pool and I haven't seen much in the way of evaporation, but if I am losing an inch of water per night then it's got to be leaking somewhere, right? I do not see any wet soil, or leaks from any of the pipes that are above ground. Is there a way to seal the pipes that are under ground? Will this require me to tear up the brick/concrete to fix? I've shut my filter off for the past 4 days and the water level has remained constant. any ideas/help on how to proceed or fix this would be appreciated! Thank you.
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