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Posts posted by Aquastarman

  1. I have seen this problem. If I recall the temp sensor made for some Sweetwater's were specific to Sweetwater even though they looked identical to  LX10 and LX15 sensors made by Spa Builders inc. If there has been any replacement of the sensors this might be why. Also check how the sensor is reading the water temp. In some temp wells the sensor can slide back away from the water it is there to moniter. this gap might explain the 3  degree difference

  2. Is there voltage at the heater terminals? If not look for a burnt spot on the back of the mother board.if it were a sensor or a pressure switch there would be codes in the display. Also check your input voltage. If this is a 220 volt spa the pump could be 115volt and appear to work fine. However the heater would need 220volts to work properly


  3. F2 through F8 refers to the number of hours in a 12 hour time frame that the filter pump is running set this to F2. The filter pumps running during the hot time of day can easily over heat the water in a sealed spa cabinet. Set your beginning times to early morning.this will repeat 12hours later in the early read cool time of the afternoon

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