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Posts posted by metronome

  1. Funny you should ask W 0f W...

    as I was repeatedly being told that the purple was due to excess sanitizer I NEVER did an acid demand test untill 30 minutes ago. I kept adding dry acid and got TA down to 110 as of this afternoon. Well the acid demand indicated a 7.4 with the addition of TWO drops.

    Perhaps I've been dealing with tap water that is > 8.0 all along.

    One question...

    does excess bromine (if present) invalidate an acid demand test with purple water from a skewed pH test??

  2. That is the test kit I have. Since I completely drained this last time and added no Bromide or activator, I'm wondering why I can't get a valid pH value and why would I get the the 10ppm running a dilute 1.8ml Bromine test?? This is still basically tap water as I've only added dry acid to lower TA. Could my municipal water supply have such a high level of chlorine that it will skew a pH test??

  3. New 450 gl. hot tub w/ corona discharge ozonator Knew we had soft water as you can't wash off soap.

    The first fill I completely over-dosed with bromine. I added 2 oz. bromide. Then foolishly filled a floater to the brim with tablets. This went on for 48 hours. Upon further research I read that I really didn't need a floater all the time, just activator. We did get a 2nd filter and rinsed and swapped them for 3 days per the installers advice.

    TA was 800, calcium hardness was 0 and the sanitizer was rendering the pH purple. I tried draining 50% of the water but still could not obtain a pH value with my Taylor kit even with adding thiosulfate. The pool supply store also said my bromine was 10ppm, phosphates 1000 and calcium hardness 70.

    I drained the tub, rinsed a filter and re-filled using an eco-one hose end filter. I've added NO bromide. Have been adding dry acid.

    TA is down to 100 but pH is still giving a purple response. Did a dilute bromine test at the 1.8 ml mark and obtained ~10ppm.

    Where is this halogen coming from?? Can the filters trap excess bromine when I OD'd it on the first fill. I'm stuck.....

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