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Posts posted by RelaxedinMissouri

  1. We have a 419 gal. Bullfrog. For over three years we have been able to keep our tub perfectly balanced (rarely have to even do a test) using the muratic acid, bromine bank and Clorox sanitizer process. It remains stable and we clean/drain every 4 months like clockwork.

    I’m going to make a long story short: after a visit to my doctor (BTW I am female) he informed me I have contact dermatitis, presenting as the most intense itching you can imagine. I have NO visible rash. This has been getting worse and more persistent over the past, umm THREE YEARS which is why I finally sought medical help (I thought it was hormones. It is NOT.)

    After ruling out everything one-by-one, the hammer comes down on the Clorox. That was pretty much confirmed when I swam in my brothers pool last weekend and a few hours later the intense itching started again [after staying out of my tub for two full weeks and NO ITCHING!] So chemically speaking, Clorox is what the pool and the hot tub have in common (I think).

    What are my options? I don’t understand what Dichlor is or if that would work for me. What about a salt water method?

    The tub is used by myself and my husband, 3-5x per week. I currently use a spa frog with bromine.

    I’d appreciate any insight or advice. I’m going to do whatever needed so I can get back in my tub… I sure miss it! Also, if I switch up methods, I’ll most likely need a new test kit? I’m using the Taylor bromine kit.



  2. Roxy,

    Our TA is *always* that high at a fresh fill. And every time it takes 26 oz. muratic acid (added incrementally) to bring the TA to 100. Then, after a bit of tweaking (usually another 2 oz. of dry acid) we land on our happy 60 TA or so. Whereby it stays prettymuch rock steady until the next fill in 3 months.

    This keeps our PH in the 7.6- 7.8 range.

    Our tub is 419 gallons. I don't speak Liter so I'm not sure how that computes. :)

  3. We are very interested to hear responses because we seem to spend an inordinate amount of time in our tub! :D My husband and I tub 6-7 days a week, anywhere from 40:00 to 1:20:00.

    We set up our hot tub environment to accomodate long soaks and be totally entertaining. Here's what I mean:

    • We got a too-large tub for just the two of us so we can easily slide around to all the different seats playing musical jets
    • We live rurally on 30 acres, with big open sky and no trees obstructing the view. Made more fun by being 15 miles from the airport in flight paths. And we are in a fly-over state.
    • The city lights are in the distance and we can see fireworks from the stadium 14 miles away, search lights from events and sometimes fun with helicopters. :P
    • My husband's lifelong obsession with astronomy is now full-blown and he's teaching me a ton. Now I know where/when the moon will come up. LOL
    • There's never a fear of someone popping over a fence or appearing around the corner.
    • We made music easy with the big Jawbone + IPOD and 5000 songs
    • We keep the temperature 99-102 depending on the season so heat doesn't chase us out of the tub
    • The box fan makes tubbing in any weather delightful, especially when there is no breeze.
    • Spazzaz spa salts are just, well....DELIGHTFUL!
    • Big thick spa robes right by the tub are cozy
    • We made an agreement to never tub if we are 1) mad or mad at each other - married 26 years. It happens. ;) 2) if we don't feel well for some reason and 3) we aren't allowed to talk about anything negative whilst tubbing. So no bad-day-at-work talk! We associate tubbing with a daily mental vacation (or escape from reality. Whatever works.)

    FYI: We have a 2012 Bullfrog 662. And we have all those jets on high about 40% of the time.

    And that's why we can spend so much time in the tub!

    I'd love to know about other folks ambiance.. :)


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