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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. 104 degrees... hello to you too!

    Exact quote from the Gel Gloss container "In addition to fiberglass, amrble and acrylic surfaces, use gel gloss confidently on ceramic, chrome, stainless steel, porcelain, and plastic laminate surfaces."

    I would take these directions as being safe for plastic. So... yes, I think it would work. Your local dealer may be able to confirm one way or the other about the exact type of plastic shell you have.

  2. I like the "spa wipes" if a waterline is apparent. Lots of cleaners these days are conveniently already put into a disposable wipe! Keep in mind to keep them out of the water as you run along the waterline to avoid adding the cleaner to the water and possibly causing bubbles (foam).

    "Gel Gloss" is another favorite of mine. It helps clean the surface and then leaves it nice n shiny without any rinsing at all. I usually stay away from the liquid cleaners that require a thorough rinsing.... takes too much time in my opinion.

  3. I totally agree on this...I have actually stopped reading a thread because of having to listen to all the bickering back and forth about Jim and destroying/hijacking the original thread.

    This is a great point. More often than not, a certain comment will be made to instigate foolishness... and simply by responding, "defending", bickering, insulting- the instigator has won the battle by starting it. The instigator will gain momentum by feeding off the energy of upsetting and disarming the opponent. When people allow themselves to be upset by antagonistic comments, they loose their own credibility by loosing their cool and partaking in the banter. Meanwhile, we all loose a little face by the folks reading this "stuff" while trying to get educated about an important spa decision.

    I asked my girl (8 yrs old now) the other day how she would stop people from fighting and arguing. Her simple but wise comment was "By using nice words and listening".

    things would be better for everyone if we didn't loose our cool or our self control. After all, all we have to represent ourselves in here are the words we write. It's probly a good idea to write "nice" words like my daughter shared with me... even when dissagreeing. This way- you keep your own credibility while allowing others to dig their own hole if they so choose. No pointing fingers + practice personal integrity= credibility. yes?

    Still.... it is better than it used to be.

  4. That is correct. Clearwater is not a fully foamed tub. They use R.T.B. (Reflective Thermal Barrier). From what I have heard of these spas, they are not very loud at all during operation. but... alas, perhaps we should start a seperate insulation topic again. LOL! :lol:

  5. I must add... this forum is waaaay better than it used to be and for me, that means the credibility has increased. Those of you who have been around from the beggining know what I'm talking about. People today are more educated, and have tons of researching capabilities at their fingertips. If something sounds outlandish- it is REALLY easy to check it out, verify statements, do comparisons... yada, yada- and all at the tips of your fingers.

    Credibility as defined by the web: (more than 1000 results in under 2 seconds)

    # the trustworthiness (credentials, education, experience, etc.) of an author.

    # defined by Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary as the quality or power of inspiring belief. When applied to an information source, credibility centres on three factors: opportunity (is the source in a position to know?) ability (does the source have the skill and competence?) dependability (is the source responsible and trustworthy?).

    # An improvement of credibility is considered to be the same as confidence building or providing quality to the customer.

    # The audience’s perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.

    I have faith that most people can take our written words (anyone posting in here is considered an "author" of some sorts in my opinion) with a grain of salt. If anything doesn't seem to match up or isn't written with integrity- it's easy to check it out. The moderators have been doing a fine job of keeping out the nasty smutt. The rest of the posts are simply opinions that should be verified- not just blindly believed.

    I particularly liked the definition which states opportunity, ability, and dependability. Something for all of us to keep in mind at all times don't you think?

  6. Soakerman... there's nothing at all wrong with maintaining a spa by the usage of proper chemical care and regular water changes. Waterbear gives exellent advice on chemistry!!! My personal preference is to the pure bromine genreator because of the feel of the water, and I don't have to drain the spa water as often... I have enough things to take care of!

    Pathfinder is right, Pioneer H2O helpline is VERY good. I'v espoken with them a few times when we first started offering this years ago. They were always very responsive and helpful to me.

  7. Before I bought my 9100, I was VERY worried about buayancy. I'm not going to lie to you. You do float in the lounger seat in the 9100, but you don't float AWAY. It's a very balanced float. If you are tall, you can hold yourself down. In the other 5 seats, you do not float at all.

    As far as jets are concerned, you really can't go wrong. With 6 places to sit (only 2 of the 6 seats are the same), you can put focus on the areas of your body that you want to get more massage. Each jet is adjustable: All the way from on to off. Plus, you can turn the air on and off. So, you can have deep massage with the air on, a normal massage with the air off and you can just soak in the warm water. Like Amanda, I like to start with the air on, switch to the air off, and then just relax in the warm water.

    One last thing: Don't forget the soothing relaxation of the lights. Every color you could imagine. There's even a party strobe mode (I wouldn't recommend that mode for relaxation though. :blink: .

    Here are some pictures I've taken over the last month (ending with today).

    That is a great tub! Thanks for putting up such awesome pictures! I wanted to comment a little about floating also. There truely is a bit if a float to that lounge but it is very comfortable (even for short folks like me 5'4"). At first I fought it thinking I would float away... but I figured out I just simply had to relax. That particular lounge (if you relax your body and don't struggle against the water movement) is AWESOME! It is very spacious and has numerous ways to tell the spa exactly how you want to be massaged. Even though I'm short (and there's a bit more weight to love than the average person) I don't float OUT of it at all. I hover in the seat just above the jets and it "cradles" me. We replaced that model on our showroom floor with the Monaco out of the resort series. The Monaco is similar to the (now retired) 9100 but has had a face lift with even more jets and more pumps. I LOVE my job! I test this spa specifically for research purposes of course. :D

  8. A variety of 5 or more jets will come in any Clearwater spa (even the small ones). The jets are definately rated for therapy. There are many ways to adjust the flow and type of massage from each jet and each seat. Many different controls give a lot of diversity on what kind of massage you want from the pump (on/off at control panel), possible remote controls, air/water ratio/mixture for different types of flow for strong/light options, individual adjustment of the jet position (spin/or directional and on/off capabilities) In bus. for 30 years (this year) with same owner the whole time.

    I typically use a Clearwater spa with each seat on "high", then opt for a softer massage, then a nice relaxing soak afterwards.

  9. Definate kudos to you both Chas and Dr. Spa! I was on my way out because it became so overwhelming with all the junk that was happening. So very glad to have you both protecting the forum. I will definately hang around and visit. Whew! What a relief!

  10. Hey there Dr. Spa!

    Just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am that there is a moderator now. I understand you have your work cut out for you as far as cleaning up the spam/smutt/blantant insults and nastiness that has been running rampant in here for a while now. I am very glad to see you in this position because I have respected your input since I began my spa-forum posting a while back.

    As I said yesterday, if there is anything I can do to help just lemme know k? I'll be looking for my new shiney badge in the mail!

    I'll definately be coming around more now that you are the Mod. I feel a breath of fresh air beginning to waft through the stagnant stale cyber-room as I type this.

    Welcome new sherriff, welcome!


  11. Awww! You guys are embarking on the empty nest syndrome. Thank God I have a while before I go through this. My heart goes out to ya. It seems like a bitter/sweet event. Even now though, I tell my girl that this is her "training" period to be an adult and that my "job" as a Mom is to make sure she knows how to handle things in life with confidence and the ability to do the "right thing" and keep herself safe because when she moves out I can't be there all of the time to watch her and tuck her under my wing (so to speak). It never really ends though does it? She might eb taller than me when she is 10 but she'll always be my baby.

    Best of luck to you guys. More time for you to play now!!!!

  12. It's time to let everyone in on the not so secret workings of internet spa forums....it's all about trying to sell spas and being entertaining in the process.

    I get it. Jim gets it. Chas gets it. Roger gets it. Steve gets it. Trigger gets it. Dr. Spa gets it. Spaman gets it. Brulan gets it. Autoplay gets it. Guzz gets it. Grahamtasia gets it. Hottubdan gets it. Spahappy gets it. Amanda gets it. And a few others I may have overlooked. Many of the above mentioned folks are in the spa industry, a few of them are seasoned spa owners with an interest in spa-related banter. That's why we're here.

    Others of you come here for the exact purpose this forum was created: to try and find pertinent information to help you make an informed decision. Most of the industry people are on here to try and help you while maintaining a strong bias towards the products or companies they represent. Most spa professionals present this information in a straightforward, simple, matter-of-fact manner.

    Then.........there are the more "flamboyant" salespeople on here. They are the one's that act in an outlandish manner to try and interject some entertainment value into these discussions. I'm one of "those" types. Jim is one of the oldest and most successful salesmen in this category. Steve plays off of Jim and vice versa and some hilarious moments have occurred over the years because of their "implied" hostility towards one another. The same can be said of Autoplay and Trigger, who revel in their roles as burrs under Jim's saddle.

    And then there is Chas. Chas is clever enough to provide outstanding relevent information to shoppers on one hand while playing the long suffering target of Jim's rantings with the other. It takes a deft touch to portray this role as effectively as he has for all these years. Dr. Spa is the same way. It is little wonder why they (along with the legendary Vermonter, who is in a whole class above everyone else) are the 2 most influential and respected members of the online spa community.

    Bottom line is this: we are here to try and help ya'll and hopefully provide some entertainment in the process. We all have our various schticks (I post silly pictures, Jim rants and raves about impertinent subjects and makes tongue-in-cheek threats, Steve and Spaman bait Jim into acting even more outrageous, thus inviting more discussion and ensuing hilarity, etc., etc.)

    WHAT IS NOT APPROPRIATE AT ALL IS THIS: Quit making vulgar and obscenity laced remarks towards Jim's wife, or anybody else's family. That is way over the line and just downright sick and we don't need that here. This is a fun place full of fun people. Yeah, some of us bluster and blow about "ruining" each other's lives, but we all know it is just part of the act and is done in good humor.

    I hope this helps some of you to understand what is really going on here. I hope you are learning about spas. I surely hope you get a chuckle out of us every now and then. :D

    Your friend,


    Ok... taking a deap breath... and relaxing. I guess that's what it is all supposed to be about right? Perhaps I spoke of leaving here because I was tiring of the insanity. I can't help but be drawn back to check in and see how things are going. OK Term... because you said I was one of the ones that "get it" and Guzz said he sticks around because of the people that DO "get it"... I can't help but feel the urge to hang around in spite of the nastiness that ensues and try to help keep the peace with the others that are trying to help also. Besides... a few minutes per forum and I'll find the balance somehow. I don't know how you guys do it though. So many forums... so many topics to read... so little time. Anyway, thanks Term for reminding me to simply take a chill pill and hang in there through all the madness- I needed that. :wub::wub::wub: Perhaps I'll stick around... after all, my life has been deticated for the last few years to attempt (with a handfull of professionals) to make this industry something to be proud of, and spas something fun to learn about. Good quality time is something we can all use and a spa is an exellent way to accomplish exactly that. I just become dissapointed and embarrased for the entire industry when it becomes so absurd and the bantering is not done in good humor but crosses the line to be simply offensive. I can't help but feel that somehowit reflects on all of us in some way. I am glad to have found other forums that do not have as much yuck running rampant but there really is a good pack of people in here... I didn't think I could leave for too long. Hope you'll have me back. :unsure:

  13. Why would you want to go to the worst site on the net for spa information? You need to get with the truth.

    I've been in there just for a little bit and so far it's been a breath of fresh air. Really... no joke. There are folks in here that I really have grown to enjoy hanging out with and if I can say anything... visit that forum and you will know what I'm talking about. I don't want to write anthing bad... but well, come to think of it- I've already read some of the worst things possible in this forum. I have to mention, I was beginning to feel more of my time was spent trying to clean up the image of the spa industry so that people visiting in here could get information without being insulted or degraded or turned off or be forced to shuffle through smutt. Check many of my posts and you will see that that is the truth. Infact... I am very confident that I seek the truth, speak the truth, and fight for the truth. That sight (from what I have seen so far) is great. I won't rave about it too much because it would be a bit rude to this one and that is not my intention because I have been very loyal to this one for quite some time.

    For those seeking the truth in this industry, don't you think it (more than likely) would come from someone who is able to maintain their professional composure when faced with adversity and speaks of any differences with respect for the knowledge that both parties have worked towards? The truth (in my opinion) comes from the place of an honest hearts desire for a greater understanding of others with a compassion for what is just and good... ALL of the time, NOT from bitterness and manipulative mental/emotional game-playing. Most certainly not from a person that attempts to bring out the worst side of people to appear to be more knowledgeable. Absolutely not from a person that harms others in the name world education who uses religious and philosophical quotes while in the same breath attempts to phsycologically twists people into knots. Please... test me on my desire to seek the truth and to help the spa industry. I will pass that test every single time.

    Simply put... I am going there because (for now) it serves my desire to have my limited (and precious) computer time be as productive, fun, educational and helpful as possible. For those seeking good quality, FRIENDLY information... if you feel you are not finding it in one particular forum... try another. That's the conclusion I have finally come to. For the regulars... I hope you will visit me in there. I am finally exited about my forum experience again!!! Yipee! I was almost going to stop posting entirely but I guess I didn't have to take a break after all... just had to change forums.

    Jim, why do you claim that site to be the worst on the net? So far, my exchanges with the folks in there have been kind, funny, encouraging, informative and very- very professional. Do these traights deserve the name "worst site on the net"? Or is it because you have been banned? Lets have the readers/regulars decide. Or.. stick around here while the next saga unfolds complete with cuss words, insults, and uncontrolled manipulative childishness.

    To those who remain loyally here attemping (as i have) to keep things informative, professional and fun... Kudos to your perseverance. Your patience is better than mine. I simply cannot continue to do it. Time is far too short. I will miss ya and think of you often.

    Finally happy again-Amanda

  14. I have gone to:


    I may proceed a bit slowly in the new forum to find my "ground" and start fresh to establish my name in there. I hope to see alot of the regulars from here too.

    I had been personally encouraged by numerous different folks... so I'll be checking it out in there for a while. My name in that forum is amanda_panda.

    Thanks for asking where I went. I feel loved... :D:D:D:D:wub: see ya in there!

  15. I know, I may sound like a broken record but, really... all the insults and nastiness (no matter WHO started it, or who tries to finish it) really has no purpose in helping people coming here to get an education. Think about it. Someone enters the forum to learn more about spas and get help with their existing one or learn enough to make a decision on which one to purchase in their area and they find a bunch of spa salesmen bickering and insulting each other. :angry: ugh!

    I personally have stayed in this forum to help keep things on a professional level (thankyou to those who have commented on my efforts :wub: ) and I have learned quite a bit after weeding through a bunch of junk. I just can't help but think how completely rediculous it makes our industry look to have to go through so much garbage to get a little morsal of real information. I wonder who would actually take the time to weed through the junk at all, or see this kind of behavior and think... "if this is what the industry is about, I'll just get a pond and blow bubbles through a straw instead".

    ***don't give up a spa search because of this silliness... not everyone is like that!***

    I have been invited numerous times to a forum that has less of this kind of garbage where moderators spend a bit more time and actually BAN trouble makers and offensive/inappropriate topics. I have a strong desire to go to that one but I'd hate to see people be led astray by any nonsense in this forum. SIGH! Perhaps I'll take another break and come back when I'm not so tired of the yuckiness. I have also had quite a few personal messages asking my opinion on something and completely by-passing the forum entirely so the topic wouldn't be hi-jacked or start a "spa war" or to avoid being insulted themselves. Of course I answer the questions in a personal message and I appreciate the direct approach but we should collectively be able to offer this in the FORUM without "As the spa water turns" soap opera junk going on don't you think?

    Thankyou to the FEW regulars that continually take the high road and keep their responses on a even kilter. I'm sure things will move along just fine without me for a while. I may be back soon... not sure at this point. My plea- no matter WHAT someone does to instigate a negative response- don't give in and let them win by responding with insults and negativity. An insult that completely misses the target has no power at all. Just move out of the way and answer the spa questions. I'm taking a break for a while AGAIN. There are much better ways to spend precious time than this.

    Good luck to those seeking info. Hang in there.


  16. I believe it is possible to shim a spa if it is done correctly. An even shim accross the entire length of the spa... not a "frame" around the edge just to level it where it would leave an area under the spa that isn't supported potentially leaving the spa to sag in the middle and cause problems. Level is one thing... completely flat is another. If you are able to shim it to a level position with the shim entirely flat accross the full length of the spa, it should be ok.

  17. We have a Sundance Spa that is 4 years old and I have decided to do more than the usual refill and reset up that I do every 3-4 months.

    We have hard well water and I feel that the jets simply arent as powerful any longer and hard water calcium deposits and some scum has built up. Also just plain harder to get the water to that nice clean smelling (non chemical) and clear (not tinted) look.

    So I picked up some Spa Purge as a start. Drained the tub yesterday and refilled. Put in the Spa Purge today and will empty again tomorrow.

    Any other items suggested? For the past 4 years have basically used the same stuff.

    Bromine for sanitizer

    Lots of PH Down to get the PH Low enough.

    A chemical to get the Metal/Mineral deposits out.


    Any thing else suggested? I also picked up some Spa Perfect as well today.

    Also saw something about simply putting in the Metal out chemical and letting system run for a day before I do anything else. Can anyone supply details?

    I suggest to use "shock" or mps once or twice a week (depending on usage) to assist your sanitizer. If you are using bromine... it is suggested to establish a "base" or "foundation" with sodium bromide prior to adding bromine in granular or tablet form. You may want to check your manual to see if there are any suggestions on how to "clean" your jets. This is usually recommended at least once a year. Also... when you are done using your spa...make sure that all of the jets are in the "open" position to make sure that the water will move through each of the plumbing lines when the spa runs the pumps periodically. This will help stop stuff from building up behind jets that are closed and causing stagnant water which could possibly be causing someof your challenges. Hope that helps! best of luck!

  18. I believe that its not the how but the what you apply,

    I think also that it is "WHY" as well. So many salespeople are selling to meet quotas.. personal goals...and to fill their pocket books. I know this is a strange concept to many but I really believe you can do just fine by having the "consumers" needs as your primary reason to sell. Much sales advice/tips talk about ways to "control" what others are going to do to meet the "sales" need... I've found the most successful people in any sales industry actually put others needs before their own. Strange... I know, but it amazingly works- especially when many other people are obviously out for themselves.

  19. Amanda, Brulan, anyone else I've missed, thank you for your great advice and support.

    I can't WAIT to be posting in the "How do I keep my water clean and sparkling" part of this forum!


    ..and neither can you guys! :D

    Your welcome. It sounds like things are coming together for you. Hang in there... happy soaking to you in the future.

  20. Katey,

    It sounds like you've been through quite a bit. Sorry to hear of your troubles.

    It may be a good idea to find out exactly where this "hired saleperson" came from and who hired him. I have heard of this many times before unfortunately. If the person representing the company is not complete with his information, the company should know about it. Perhaps informing the company about the error of his ways and how it has effected you will help stop this from happening to unsuspecting folks in the future. I think this may have been what the dealer was trying to explain but may have lacked some tact. If he simply did not know to ask about that, it seems a bit more education for the sales staff would need to happen. If he knew it was going to make the deal and simply avoided it to get his commission, that would be slimey character. While everyone else is running around trying to help make things right for you, he is sitting back with a fatter wallet and not having to deal with the repercussions of his ignorance or lack of care. Maybe there is a way to transfer the salesperson from his name to the dealer who is caring for you.

    Sometimes if you let someone know that you are recording a conversation, it will help get the truth out a bit faster and eliminate the "run-around". I don't know if I would agree with secretly recording a conversation, but documenting everything very clearly with names, dates, and what was said is always a good idea and should protect you just as well. Best of luck to you.


  21. I wonder how simple "Peanut Butter" would affect acrylic. I learned this method to take labels off of jars, cookware, etc. just smear some on, and wipe off a few hours later with soap and water, works like a charm. I can't see anything that would really affect an acrylic spa in peanut butter, input?

    This works great for bubblegum in hair too. I'd say out of everything mentioned so far... the peanut butter (smooth LOL) would be the best substance.

  22. I don't think spa brand has a l;ot to do with the nature 2 system. I think the amount of usage has something to do with its effectiveness. I recomend it for people with "normal" usage of 2-3 people 20-30 minutes- 3 x's/wk. If there are numerous children or teenagers or it is a "party" spa, then I would recomend traditional chlorine. The nature system works great for someone with a sensitivity to chlorine. A little is still needed here and there but not as much as without the stick.

    This was printed off of their website (zodiacpoolcare.com) to help be a guide on how to use the Nat. 2 system. I changed a couple of minor words to help it be more understandable for folks that aren't as familiar with chemistry.

    Spa Recipe


    • Nature2 Purifier

    • Non-chlorine oxidizer (potassium peroxymonosulfate) (shock)*

    • Nature2 Spa Test Strips** or Test kits (pH, total alkalinity)

    • pH and total alkalinity adjusting chemicals

    • Dichlor (chlorine)

    When: What to do:

    Purifier Start Up Drain and refill your spa. Balance water per dealer guidelines. Add 1 teaspoon of dichlor (chlorine) to spa per 250 gallons (approx. 1000 litres). (Note: 1 teaspoon = 1/4 ounce = 7 grams.)

    Every Day Run spa according to recommendation supplied to you by the manufacturer of your spa

    Before Each Use Add 1 tablespoon of potassium peroxymonosulfate (MPS/shock) to spa per 250 gallons (approx. 1000 litres)

    (Note: 1 tablespoon = 1 tablet = 3/4 ounce = 21 grams.) A convenient way to insure proper MPS level is to use a Nature2 Spa Test Strip. If the Nature2 Spa Test Strip indicates a low level of MPS, add 1 tablespoon of MPS to spa per 250 gallons and retest.

    Once A Week Add 3 tablespoons of potassium peroxymonosulfate(shock) to spa per 250 gallons (approx. 1000 litres). Check and adjust pH and total alkalinity. A convenient way to check pH and total, alkalinity levels is to use a Nature2 Spa Test Strip.

    Every 4 Months Drain and refill your spa.

    Replace Nature2 purifier, repeat purifier start-up.

    As Needed If water looks hazy, shock treat with 1 teaspoon of dichlor per 250 gallons (approx. 1000 litres)


    The Nature2 Spa Purifier is not to be used with products containing bromine, sodium bromide or biguanides. If these products are being used, be sure to drain and refill spa with fresh water.


    • As an alternative to potassium monopersulfate(shock), dichlor(chlorine) may be substituted:

    1 teaspoon dichlor(chlorine) = 3 tablespoons potassium peroxymonosulfate(shock).

    • The use of an efficient ozone generator with Nature2 may reduce the need for supplemental chemical treatments.

    * Potassium peroxymonosulfate(shock) may cause a lowering of the pH and total alkalinity of your spa water. Please monitor pH and total alkalinity at least once per week and adjust accordingly.

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