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Posts posted by conned

  1. Hi, it seems we have been conned also, ordered and paid in full for a theatre spa April 2009 with Trade Price Group, told we would receive it within 8 weeks, told they didn't take credit cards to keep prices down, constantly fobbed off when we call and told we signed contract to agree it would be minimum 12 weeks - what steps should we take now? Thanks

    there are four partners, and the tubs do come from j&j china, and the distribution/mother co is Spa Serve and the sales arms are The Trade price Group, ukhottubs, first choice, hdi enterprises (folded I think already along with Insparations)....... they are professional con men, liars and we have just found out the salesman who visited us gave a false name and was actually one of the partners........

    we won't give up on this and are flabbergasted at the number of helpful contacts and details coming through to us now........

    whatever anyone does out there do not buy from these people, do not trust them, and whatever you do if buying through this type of sale pay with a CREDIT CARD, don't be put off (as they did to us and get talked out of it with false promises)

    Credit Card is only way you can get your money back without a fight.

    keep the info coming the more evidence we collect the stronger our claim and the better the case for Trading STandards whom we have met, given full statement and we have agreed to go to court for Trading Standards when the case is made against them........... my next move is the police as this is criminal activity......... we will not give up.

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