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Posts posted by a12548

  1. I have a RP2100 185A with the new upgraded board..I just noticed, and Im not sure if it was always that way, that on fire up the sequence is

    CFH-SPK-CFH-SPK-CFH....then fires up with good flame and operates normal. Is it normal for SPK to appear twice...or might I have to clean the pilot assembly out.

    I don't want to disassemble until I checked with other owners, and Raypak tech support is non existant without a contractor license.

  2. After trying few failed methods to seal that gap, I had success with the two-part epoxy putty meant for pool shell repairs. I simply rolled a piece like a small cigar and pressed it down, being careful to make sure it is flush with the adjoining pieces so as not to disturb water flow.

    As for replacing the drains, I opted for the replacement caps, youd need to saw off the old tops with a jig saw, leaving about 1/4" lip on each side. Then press the replacemnt top down for snug fit. I opted to put a little PVC cement to seal it down good.

    I am on the verge of removing the top to my deck-o-drain channel and fear that I may see the same sort of gap. In addition to the gap issue, I would also be interested in hearing about whatever problems you may have encountered with replacing the top to your deck-o-drain system.


    I sawed off the top of my deck o drain tops to snap on replacement tops, when i noticed my drain channel has a 1/4" gap between pieces and must have been dribbling water for years. I really dont want to get into pulling out the old drain just for that, is there a way to fix this gap, something that would fill it yet not disrupt the water flow? And in worse case scenario, whats the best way to get these drains out, is there a trick because with some light tugging it doesnt budge out of ground. I enlcosed a good picture of the gap. Id be forever indebted if anyone can help me solve this, hopefully without ripping the whole drain up.

    Deck Drain Gap

  3. I sawed off the top of my deck o drain tops to snap on replacement tops, when i noticed my drain channel has a 1/4" gap between pieces and must have been dribbling water for years. I really dont want to get into pulling out the old drain just for that, is there a way to fix this gap, something that would fill it yet not disrupt the water flow? And in worse case scenario, whats the best way to get these drains out, is there a trick because with some light tugging it doesnt budge out of ground. I enlcosed a good picture of the gap. Id be forever indebted if anyone can help me solve this, hopefully without ripping the whole drain up.

    Deck Drain Gap

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