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Posts posted by daisybz111

  1. We live out in the country and within the first six months of owning our Sundance Optima cover, squirrels made holes to try and bury acorns; crows pecked holes in it. so it leaks, and has become too heavy to open and chemicals in water are compromised. So, to get water back in shape, we first need to replace cover. Does anyone have cover they think would not be able to be pecked through? Once we get new cover we will also get a weather cap to cover with, but that could be pecked through also. Anyone else faced this problem? Thank you.

  2. I have a 24' above ground pool, and have been looking to buy a roaming, stand alone vacuum without spending too much money.

    A friend of mine moved and built a huge, new, inground pool, with a very high $ vacuum. At their old house they had an inground pool and used a "roaming" stand alone vacuum. But, it was the "inground" model vacuum. She is willing to give it to us if we want it, but I don't know if it would work with an above ground pool - anyone know what is different between them?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. We are just setting up (as we speak) our new Easyset inflatable ring pool – 16’ x 42”. I have some second hand experience with pools and chemicals, vacuuming, etc., but it is with one of the high dollar above ground pools, with a true vacuum, skimmer, etc. that my mom had, so I am totally clueless about care for the inflatable ring pools, so any advice or answers will be greatly appreciated. Here are my questions:

    1. When you first set up the pool, and you get the water tested, do you add shock and/or chlorine by dissolving it in a bucket or bowl of water first? Then just pour it in the pool? Same with other chemicals?

    2. If we decide to get the Intex Salt Water system in a week or two, do we just hook it up, and start using salt, or do we have to do something (chemical wise) to the pool before we switch?

    3. How do you vacuum your pools?? I have seen the Deluxe Pool Maintenance Kits – they say they are for pools 18’ or larger, and Filter Pumps that are 1000 GPH. (ours is the 800 GPH). Have any of you used this kit on a smaller pool with a smaller filter?

    4. Do you use the floating chorine tab holders?

    Thanks so much for your help and advice!

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