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I set up a new Hot Springs spa about a month ago, using the Frog Ease Smartchlor cartridges that came with the tub. All the measurements on the included test strips are in the normal range. While the water is perfectly clear, it's developed a pale greenish tint, but not the kind of darker green or cloudiness I'd associate with algae. Since our well water is high in iron, I tried a bottle of Metal Gon, but nothing changed. Same with a (chlorine) shock. I'm out of things to try, so looking for suggestions.


Is your hot tub blue acrylic by any chance? Iron will cause a yellow discoloration which will look green against a blue tub. Copper will color the water green.

Getting rid of metals in the water often takes more than just adding some sequestrant.

I am not a fan of the frog or N@, both systems add metal (silver) to the water and smartchlor is a proprietary form of chlorine that only tests as combined chlorine.


Thanks, Waterbear. Shell is not blue -- just a generic off-white. And the water is definitely pale green.

Because it's a new tub, I wanted to start it up by using the chemicals they supplied; that way any problems can't be blamed on other chemicals. I've been reading about the alternate sanitizers available, and may switch down the line.

Our water has never been tested for copper, so that's certainly possible. Meanwhile -- any suggestions for dealing with it? Or just don't worry about it until it's time to change the water?


get your water tested for copper is a first step.

second step stop using the frog and use either bromine or chlorine. For bromine read about 3 step bromine in the pinned posts in the hot tub chemistry section of the forum.

For chlorine read about the dichlor/bleach method in the hot tub water chemistry section of the forum.te

Frog $ystem has many problem$, IMHO. IF you want to to continue u$ing it it'$ your choice but you will need to contact the manufacturer for help $ince it is a proprietary $ystem (no, the dollar signs are not typos).

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