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I have an older LA Spa Oasis with what appears to be an S-class gecko unit. It seems to hover around 80-90°. the water temperature reading shows it at set temperature. When the water cools off the heater kicks on and brings it back to what it thinks is temperature. So essentially it’s maintaining an incorrect temp. All other functions seem to be normal. the heater kicks on and kicks off as if it’s maintaining the set temp. 

I had a technician repair the circuit board, the issue persisted. He then replaced the thermometer. Heated to the correct temperature for a day or two. Now it is back to hovering between 80 and 90 and it seems to be the same. 

No error codes obvious. Right after the thermometer was replaced the control panel read “32” but that went away overnight. 

The technician appears to be stumped. we checked to confirm that it is not an economy mode as the manual states for troubleshooting. 

Any advice on things to check would be very appreciated.


Located in Bend Oregon

  • Kahaiw changed the title to Water Temp not reading accurate; LA Spa S-Class Gecko
6 hours ago, CanadianSpaTech said:

Post photos of the circuit board and the schematic on the inside cover. Is there a red led lit on the circuit board?

Also note that error code "32" was cleared by tech after "resting the high limit," the day he replaced the temp probe.  But it only came back to temp for 24hrs.  

Hope these pictures are good enough.  I'm not onsite at the moment. 



So the bottom right of the board is the high limit. This board uses a "tape style" hi limit sensor. I see it has been removed. Did someone change this... before or after you were having issues? is there a red led lit on the board bottom right side of the board?


Nothing was altered before the initial failure of the temp reading. When it failed a tech removed the board and sent it to a board repair guy. He said he repaired the high limit function on the board. Perhaps thats the tape you see. 

As afar as the red light, I am not home to check. I'm away for work for a bit. I can ask the tech to stop by and check a few thi ga if there is something else you recommend. 

He did mention that there was a small drip (from a compromised light gasket abbove) that may be getting the temp prob wire a little wet? Would that effect the temp reading being reported to the board? 


Someone has changed the high limit sensor from a "Tape" style hi limit to a "probe" style. Attached link below is what you should have. What you currently have MIGHT work but I have never tried this swap nor would I.

In your photos I can see remnants of the original high limit that sits between the blue plastic housing and the chrome heating tube.

Older Gecko hi limits were fixed to the circuit board and to replace the hi limit you had to replace the board. Perhaps you had an older non replaceable hi limit and how it is now was their "fix". In the past I have had my circuit board repair guy make a newer style detachable hi limit fit and older board as a last resort but have never tried a probe style hi limit on a s class board.

Newer Gecko S class boards the hi limit was removable and replaceable. 



As for spa only heating to 80-90... Verify you have 240V going to the 2 leads on the heating element and that you don't have a blown heater relay. A blown heater relay might only heat the water to around 80-90 running on only 1 leg (120v and not 240V. Lastly a heating element that is covered in scale/calcium won't heat efficiently. You might get 240 to the heater but the scale covered element won't heat the water very well and can only get the water so hot.


thanks for the good information. I’ll look into that with the guy who repaired the board. 


Do you think that the issues you noted would cause the set temp to show incorrectly on the display? just to recap, the display shows the set temp and actual temp the same. like the heater believes the water is up to temperature when it is in fact 20° off 

36 minutes ago, Kahaiw said:

Do you think that the issues you noted would cause the set temp to show incorrectly on the display? just to recap, the display shows the set temp and actual temp the same. like the heater believes the water is up to temperature when it is in fact 20° off 


On 5/21/2024 at 1:39 PM, Kahaiw said:

He then replaced the thermometer

Temp sensor I presume.. It detects the actual temp so did he replace it with a new one or a used one he had on the truck.

If you increase the set temp up does the heat indicator led on the topside come on and engage the heater?


New temp sensor installed after board repair did not solve problem. After installation of the new temperature sensor the water temp and read out were within 4°. The tub came up close to actual set temp for 24 hours. After that, we found the tub sitting in the mid 80s and reporting it was at the set temp, back to the original symptom


Yes, when you dial up the set temp the heater kicks on and brings the water up to the false temperature. Basically it’s running like the temperature probe is reading 20° below actual. I believe the heater is working as it maintains the false temperature. Everything is ng seems normal except the actual water temp is approx 85 when it reports its maintainig 104. 


Ok now where does the temp sensor sit to read the temperature. Some spas the sensor slides into a tube and does not touch the water and has to be pushed all the way in until it touches the tip of the tube to get an accurate reading from the water. It also needs a foam or rubber plug to go in behind it so it doesn't get a false reading from cold air inside the cabinet hitting the back end of the sensor when pushed into the tube.


Okay, I’ll have to verily the probe arrangement in person in a week or so. But if it was getting an air temp reading then would it be displaying a low temp rather than a false high temp? Thanks so much for working with me. 

  • 2 weeks later...

The probes sits directly into the water. See attached picture. I have removed the probe and tested it against an independent thermometer in various temperatures of water. Its running 16-20 degrees high. 

There is no red light on the board. at one point when I was jiggling the temperature sensor connector loose it kicked the red light on. Once I reset the tub and connector, I was unable to jiggle the light on.  

I’m prepared to buy a new pack, but if you think it’s worth trying a third new probe, I would try that first. if so, can you recommend the right probe so that I can minimize these two splices. 

As a reminder. This probe was replaced during this repair, it worked for 24 hrs before the temp descripency returned. 





What you have is wrong. Again the correct hi limit sensor: https://www.hottuboutpost.com/gecko-s-class-poron-tape-hi-limit-sensor-9920-100317/

Again some were not removeable from the board and some were. You should be able to make the one I posted work

If you look in the last photo behind the marretts you will see part of the foam left in between the blue spa pack housing and the chrome heater tube. 

Someone tried to jimmy/make what you have now work and I'm not saying it wouldn't work but it appears that way.

The red led on the board should not be lit. It comes on if a hi limit issue occurs.


Ok I’ll get that ordered. 

But I got a new temp sensor and it’s working… sort of, now it’s reading low, tub is extra hot, probably 5 degrees hotter than reading. I purchased the sensor recommended from Gecko support, part number circled in below. 

Day 2 I now have this symbol on the bottom left side of display. 





The problem is likely NOT the temp sensor but the receptacle pins on the board that the sensor plugs in to.  There may be a cold solder joint on one or more of the pins which causes erratic temperature display, random polling, and if no connection is made, "32" on the display.  This is a repairable failure.


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