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I keep getting error 8 on the hydroquip display. When I power on the jacuzzi the light works as well the controller. I can see 8.0 on the screen when turning on the jacuzzi but it does not do anything. Controller light works and jacuzzi light as well. Anyone any idea what this can be? And how to troubleshoot? I am especially curious what the error 8.0 means.


so in the meantime i got rid of the error 8. restarted the hot tub by turning off the power for 1 hour and turn it on again. now i get an error .9.0. on the display (see attachment). does anyone know what this means?

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 11.13.46.jpeg


That is a Gecko topside. The 3 dots flashing means you have a flow error. The 90 is the current water temp. 

Here is a manual for troubleshooting: https://issuu.com/geckomkt/docs/sc_cf_ce_as_service_manual_en

Is your water level above the highest jet in the spa and above the filters

Remove the filters and see if the 3 dots go away and the heat indicator light comes on. 

Pump #1 should be running on low speed and moving water. Do you see water moving in the spa?

If ater this you still have the 3 dots post photos of the circuit board and the schematic on the inside cover.


Hi thanks for your fast reply! yes the water is above the highest jet and above the filter. I have turned off the power and then I have removed the filter. putting back on the power the control panel is giving me now an error 9.5 with 3 dots (see attachment).

The pump#1 is not moving either. 

So conclusion for now:

- Jacuzzi is powered on the control panel works and the light inside the jacuzzi as well
- the water is not moving
- Heater I have measured with my ohm meter it has around 25ohms

in the attachment you will find the pictures.

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 13.59.52.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 14.00.01.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 14.00.08.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 14.00.19.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 14.00.29.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-02-18 at 14.00.34.jpeg


Tub is not going to heat without the pump running and the fact that I can see the capacitor out in the open just hanging there (very dangerous) I would say you need to replace the pump. Test the 2 green buss fuses as well


Thank you for your fast reply. I have testen the pump by taking a 230v directly to the motor but it does not do anything except turning of the powergroup. Just a double check: isn’t it that when in turn on the power of the jacuzzi that i should hear some relays working? When i press some of the buttons on the control panel i don’t hear any relais clicking? I just want to make sure if the hydroquip gecko motherboard is not broken as well. 


Have to test for power coming off the board for each component. Turn pump 1 on low and test put pump 1 on high and test ect. If you have power coming off the board and a component is not working then you have a problem with the component


I have ordered a new pump removed the old one and attached the new pump. The problem is still here. Four dots are flashing on the controller panel with the temperature of the water. Lights are on. Any other suggestions? Please see attachment 

3 hours ago, Hydroquip said:

Anyone any suggestion here? I can’t believe I am the only one with this problem since this is a well known brand?

Did you even look at the manual I posted for you??? see section for 3 dots flashing



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