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Hello all,

I'm new to Pool Spa Forum and also for the hot tub/spa subject. Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge. I tried every search engine to find this in-ground spa brand but did not have much success.

Does anybody recognize this hot tub brand in the picture?

How old (roughly) is this unit?


Here is the full story behind this, and I have a few more questions if you have time to read.

The house I purchased a few months ago came with this in-ground hot tub, and it was listed as a non-functioning item. After all the hours/yard cleaning and renovations, I finally got free time to look at the hot tub. It was covered with a heavy wooden panel, and it seems the hot tub was not used for years (tenant confirmed they did not use it for six years at least.) The acrylic/fiberglass tub had few inches of old dirty water left with some residue. I cleaned up everything and washed the tub. I filled the water and turned the two pump switches (picture 6), everything seems to be working fine. Jets working, Water circulation pump is working, heater turned on and seemed working fine too.

These are the equipment this system has,

  • Jandy LXi gas heater (runs on natural gas)

  • Jandy Pro Series CS200 filter

  • Two separate pumps (for water circulation and jets)

  • Air pump (very loud)

Of course, the first round of water was full of dirt/dark-colored. I removed the water and cleaned the filters (Jandy CS200, canisters 1 and 2.) Filled up again with water, added liquid chlorine (Home Depot brand and added a little over half a gallon), let it run for few hours. Removed water again and cleaned the tub shell, filters.

Filled up with water for the 3rd time, added liquid chlorine, circulated for few hours every day for a week (now water is clear), pumped the water out again. Now the tub is empty, as you see in the pictures. I ordered a new filter for the Jandy CS200 to replace the old filter. I will fill water again, run one more time for a week, and remove the water for the 4th time before using it.

I know this is an old hot tub, but I would like to use it until the heater/motors fail (if possible) and maybe replace this with an above-ground new hot tub.

I appreciate it if can help me to identify/replace few things, and some advice, 

  1. What else should I do before I use it (I will do the water PH, alkaline, chlorine balance)?

  2. Hot tub jets are old and brittle (Picture 3, 4 & 5.) I need to replace them (if possible)  and want to know how to remove them. I was managed to pull two fish eye parts out (picture 5) but not the whole unit that I need to replace. Two small holes in each side of the jet cover (picture 4) are just plastic hole. Not screws or anything in it.

  3. How can I remove yellow stains on the tub shell? (stains from old water and organic materials left for years). I tried bleach, white vinegar, alcohol but had no luck of removing them.

  4. Do I need to run both pumps all the time when I use the hot tub?

  5. Can someone please explain to me the pump/filtration process in picture 6?

I appreciate if you have time to help me with this project.












It's a generic shell with typical equipment from the 70's- 80's. Those pump heads are brass, and likely worth the cost of a new motor in recycling value. 

What you list as filters are prime tanks, used to get the pumps to prime. They have a strainer basket, but no filter.

Everything but the pumps is newer, and can be easily replaced. 

The 3 plastic doohickeys with ? are the original air buttons for the controls. 

The eyeballs are just eyeballs and you should not remove any other parts, the jetback could fall away from the shell and you will have to dig it out to fix it. Put some silicone on the flange fitting and PUT IT BACK.

"Pump 2" is your filter pump and moves water through the filter and heater. "Pump 1" is the jet pump.

5 hours ago, RDspaguy said:

It's a generic shell with typical equipment from the 70's- 80's. Those pump heads are brass, and likely worth the cost of a new motor in recycling value. 

What you list as filters are prime tanks, used to get the pumps to prime. They have a strainer basket, but no filter.

Everything but the pumps is newer, and can be easily replaced. 

The 3 plastic doohickeys with ? are the original air buttons for the controls. 

The eyeballs are just eyeballs and you should not remove any other parts, the jetback could fall away from the shell and you will have to dig it out to fix it. Put some silicone on the flange fitting and PUT IT BACK.

"Pump 2" is your filter pump and moves water through the filter and heater. "Pump 1" is the jet pump.

Hey RDspaguy,

Thank you so much for explaining things.

Do you think it's safer to start using the hot tub after few cleaning cycle as I mentioned above? Would it be a good idea to do a Ahh-some biofilm cleaning cycle before installing new filter cartridge?


2 hours ago, RDspaguy said:

I would do several Ahhsome purges, until it stops making goo, with a tub that sat for that long.

Thank you. I will order the 2oz bottle and do several cycles. I'm kind of guessing that this tub would hold about 300 gallons of water?

30 minutes ago, RDspaguy said:

Probably closer to 400.

Thanks again RDspaguy. You have been very helpful. New filter cartridge and ahh-some coming this week. Will see how it goes.

Do you know if there is anyway to remove those yellow stains? I tried bleach, 70% alcohol, white vinegar, Pinesol but non of them worked.


Muriatic or ascorbic acid if it's mineral staining. Otherwise sand and refinish, which I do not recommend you diy.

Get it wet and scrub a spot with a vitamin c tablet (ascorbic acid) to see if it will come off. 

15 minutes ago, RDspaguy said:

Muriatic or ascorbic acid if it's mineral staining. Otherwise sand and refinish, which I do not recommend you diy.

Get it wet and scrub a spot with a vitamin c tablet (ascorbic acid) to see if it will come off. 

Thanks. I will try ascorbic acid method and update how it goes.



Hi there,

I have few questions if you have time to answer,

  1. Do I have to remove and refill new water with each awesome purge or can I use the same water during few purges? (I already did a one purge, had some gunk but it wasn't too much as I expected)
  2. Is it safer to run only circulation pump (few hours) at a time and no jet pump?
  3. Is HomeDepot liquid chlorine effective for "shock"?


1 hour ago, RDspaguy said:

1) I do multiple purges in the same water.

2) Not sure what you mean by "safer". 


Sounds good, I stared the second purge.

I thought I have run both pumps (circulation and jets) at the same time not to burn pumps. But I guess I can run just the circulation pump few hours (or over night.). I see there's mechanical time that controls the circulation pump. It seems it used to program run automatically.

I still can't find any information for the 3 plastic doohickeys you mentioned. I assume they are the one controlled the pumps in all days? (Now I have to turn the switched on and walk back to the tub.)

I will do at least two more purges, remove water and refill, install new filter cartridge.

7 minutes ago, RDspaguy said:

Yes, they were the buttons for a control that is no longer there.

Thank you for pointing me to right direction to clean the shell. I tried ascorbic acid but it didn't do much to remove stains. I took a chance and went through the sanding route as you mentioned. I was very careful with the sanding grit. Had to run to HD to get few more grit choices. It actually did pretty good job removing all the stains. I'm happy with the results.

Old pressure gauge wasn't working so I ordered a one from Amzn. It's a cheap gauge and not the original Jandy. I'm not sure if the reading is okay or the gauge is not working properly or something else. Pressure is about 7-8 psi. ( I did release air, used thread seal with the new gauge. I'm not sure if I need to replace the Jandy CS200 filter's o'ring.)

Here are few picture today, during the purge and clear water after the 2 second purge.




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