spatech (the unreal one) Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Did you know that the thermal closed type of insulation is the only insulation that was tested and developed by a large coporation and deemed way superior to full foam? Did you realize that in all the indepenedent tests in which full foam was compared to a thermally closed the thermally closed was determined to be superior? Did you know that Jim completely fabricates 73% of the statements he throws out there? Quote
Jim_The_Jim Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Did you know that Jim completely fabricates 73% of the statements he throws out there? Here is what is interesting to me about your statement. How can a so called professional in the spa industry NOT KNOW THAT???? People who pose as experts, yet they don't even have the slightest knowledge of the spa industry and who does what and when they did it? If you really care(d) about the hot tub industry, you would know these things as I do. But then again, I do care about this industry and I care about improving it. Quote
Trigger Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Jim writes: Yet you speak about things you know nothing about. You don't have a clue how things in this world really work. Get off it. When you know what I know then you can speak. Perfect. Absolutely Perfect. Jim, this is exactly the behvoir and nonsense that people try to point out to you, and honesltly let you know that you should correct. You make yourself sound like a complete and utter jack ass . Quote
Jim_The_Jim Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Jim writes: Yet you speak about things you know nothing about. You don't have a clue how things in this world really work. Get off it. When you know what I know then you can speak. Perfect. Absolutely Perfect. Trigger, I guess your memory is very short. Do you remember how I humiliated you on the old forum, when you could not explain how foam insulation works? I think your ego is too big, and you need to be humbled some more. Quote
spa Dr. Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Roger; It is MINUS 1 here right now and according to the weather people it is 22 degrees above where you live. Like I have said before, you don't understand how we can do what we do, and that is your problem, not mine. You may want to listen to Andy, since is owns one of our spas. Even our older models witout the extreme seal, have at least 10 minutes of blower before they cool down, and that is becasue we put the blower right next to the pumps. We are just getting better at what we do. You do not understand, and I wish you would stop tellng lies about me, it is really beneath you. I have never said you were an idiot, but that you will not listen and you will not learn. If you want to participate in the blower run test, I will gladly set it up for you to see for yourself. I put in 6 thermostats in the spa, in the cabinet at the base of the pumps, in the air line leaving the blower, at the intake to the blower and I published the results on our site as I was doing the test. Since people with closed minds and "pet" ideas, don't want to listen and learn, that is one of the things that gives us a tremendous advantage. As far as a smart shopper is concerned the only spas to consider in cold climates are spas that were specifically designed for cold climates. SHUT UP Quote
Trigger Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Trigger, I guess your memory is very short. Do you remember how I humiliated you on the old forum, when you could not explain how foam insulation works? I think your ego is too big, and you need to be humbled some more. Why do think my ego is too big? I remeber the insualtion discussions and it was amusing. Humiliating? I don't think so. I truley and honestly belive Jim, that you have some problems with perception and interaction with other people. I've used the word delluisonal before to address your positions, and I think maybe that makes you a bit defensive? Honestly are you trying to pick a fight, or are you really that ignorant? Oh, Please remind Sandy that she owes me an appology over the whole ETL issues as well. Quote
Rika Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Hoopy, I must say you made a valiant effort to maintain control of your thread. I'm sorry but after several pages of posts it is no longer yours. You are officially a "Thread Orphan." Try again with another post if you have additional questions. You probably have figured this out but avoid full foam vs partial foam questions if you plan on getting any more specific questions answered. Quote
spa Dr. Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Trigger, I guess your memory is very short. Do you remember how I humiliated you on the old forum, when you could not explain how foam insulation works? I think your ego is too big, and you need to be humbled some more. SHUT UP Quote
Trigger Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Hoopy I appolgize if I've contributed to this mess. I hope you did find some answers to your questions. There are alot of good hot tubs out there, and a few very bad ones. good luck. Oh, Here's a tip Hoopy that helps us all deal with Jim's post: Read them in a homer simpson voice and they become very ammusing Quote
spatech (the unreal one) Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 People who pose as experts, yet they don't even have the slightest knowledge of the spa industry and who does what and when they did it? It's one thing when you're flat out lying or stretchhhhhhhing the truth as you've been known to do but lately you've been making no sense at all, even to those of us who can read you like a book (a real book that is, not a pamphlet like that one you sell about how to make spas). I'm not sure if there is a health issue here but sometimes you ramble as if your meds are not kicking in (or are kicking in too much). Quote
Roger Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Roger; It is MINUS 1 here right now and according to the weather people it is 22 degrees above where you live. Not sure where your getting your weather data from Jim take a look at the Duluth News tribune and keep in mind that we can have a 20 degree difference in 10 miles because of lake Superior. We had -11 on Sunday night, -5 on Monday, 3 above on Tuesday morning and 21 above on Wednesday Morning. I could give a rip less how high up you are, you are in a moderate climate compared to here. That would be over 30 degree temp swing in 4 day lows. Could be 20 below next monday and 36 is predicted for Saturday with 8-10 inches of good clear solid ice on the lake to ice fish on. Andy has the same closed up ideas and vision that you have sold him on, it would not be benificial for me to take advice from anyone brainwashed by you. I can not help it if he is olny smart enough to take what you alone give him. I am way more open to numerous opinions and views of the facts than either him or you. But thanks for the offer. The only thing your helping with by telling me your low temp is the people east and south of you. Our weather comes from a part of Canada where very few people live. Dry moderate weather comes from your way when it travels this way. Quote
Roger Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Ha........ look at that I am member number 8. Anyone got a lower number? I must rule this board then!! Quote
hoopy Posted December 7, 2005 Author Report Posted December 7, 2005 Fellas, as far as me being concerned about getting my thread hijacked, I am not. In fact, I am learning a lot by following it. Go figure. I am still torn between the HS and Marquis models. I don't even know if I will like the lounger or not, until I wet test it. I am about 5'8", 160 lbs. so a lounger may totally be out of the question for me (which would then rule out both the Sovereign and the Quest out.) What do you all think? Quote
spa Dr. Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Fellas, as far as me being concerned about getting my thread hijacked, I am not. In fact, I am learning a lot by following it. Go figure. I am still torn between the HS and Marquis models. I don't even know if I will like the lounger or not, until I wet test it. I am about 5'8", 160 lbs. so a lounger may totally be out of the question for me (which would then rule out both the Sovereign and the Quest out.) What do you all think? If you don't like the lounge check out the accolade or the everyday 415 ultimate both should be aroun that 6.5k pp Quote
spatech (the unreal one) Posted December 7, 2005 Report Posted December 7, 2005 Fellas, as far as me being concerned about getting my thread hijacked, I am not. In fact, I am learning a lot by following it. Go figure. I am still torn between the HS and Marquis models. I don't even know if I will like the lounger or not, until I wet test it. I am about 5'8", 160 lbs. so a lounger may totally be out of the question for me (which would then rule out both the Sovereign and the Quest out.) What do you all think? I am 5'10" and find most loungers are not too long for me but some are certainly more comfortable than others. The two spas you speak of are moderate depth so I don't think you'll have much of an issue there but there is no doubt that wet testing a lounge is always a wise thing to do to make sure you don't flaot and that you feel as relaxed as you expect to be. Quote
Jim_The_Jim Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 SHUT UP I guess you guys just can't take the truth. The world is often different than what we percieve with our limited thought processes. Most people who are innovators are also up against this resistance to good things that do not fit in their limited picture of reality. I am certainly used to being treated badly by so called spa professionals, and by people who "need" to believe that they "did good" in their purchases. This is old territory to me. It is my customers encouragement that really keeps me going. When you work against the "money" and traditional out of date hot tubs, you are fighting a very hard battle. Heck people even put up a web site to try and stop me, but we still sell spas to smart shoppers. I am putting you on the list of posters to ignore. Fellas, as far as me being concerned about getting my thread hijacked, I am not. In fact, I am learning a lot by following it. Go figure. I am still torn between the HS and Marquis models. I don't even know if I will like the lounger or not, until I wet test it. I am about 5'8", 160 lbs. so a lounger may totally be out of the question for me (which would then rule out both the Sovereign and the Quest out.) What do you all think? If your choice is Hot Spring or Marquis, go with the Marquis spas. Much better company. Quote
spatech (the unreal one) Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 I guess you guys just can't take the truth. You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded. Who's gonna do it? You? Quote
Roger Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Oh and Jim it is 31 and light snow right now. Wana know how I know these temps so acurately (besides living here and having a thermometer in my truck that I look at every morning at 5 on my way to work) Because I am currently in the middle of another effieciency test with my tub, a new idea. Can't give you the specifics yet but the preliminary data tells me aprox. 30-.50 cents a day savings, as the weather gets colder I am sure these numbers will decrease. I can tell you that it involves a thermostaticly controled 110V light bulb. 60 watt. And it is also going to be part of my winter freeze protection package. And Hoppy, if I was going to do it again right now, I would not get a lounger. I do love my lounger but when my tub has 4-5 people in it the lounger gets in the way, and yes there is mostly just me and maybe her in it but we do love to entertain with our tub. And I could lounge in a regular seat. Just food for your though, and of course my opinion. Quote
hoopy Posted December 8, 2005 Author Report Posted December 8, 2005 Roger: So if I am currently considering the Quest and the Sovereign (which both have lounges and are about $6400), what would you recommend as far as HS and Marquis goes for models that are at that price range and don't have loungers? Quote
Jim_The_Jim Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Yeah, I am thinking the same thing. I checked with some local dealers today and the sound system is about a $1000 option. One local dealer told me that the Hot Springs, Marquis, and Sundance are all full foam insulated. That a good thing or not? Full foam is not a good thing. It is a way to save money in manufacturing and that is about all. We sell a superior sound system for 875.00 We have had customers come and hear our system, change their minds on a sound system, after they hear the fidelity. When the put transducers in the water it is not good fidelity and it will probably cause ailments in people from having their organs bombarded with sound waves in the water. It has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of to use powerful transducers in water to make sound. Doctors use sound transducers to blast kidney stones. If you want your internal organs blasted by intense sound ways, Trigger, I suggest that you do it for 5 years or more then report back to us the end result of your stupidity. The exact reason why I never recommend the sound transducers is that it is totally untested on human beings. If you were to blast sound in the water with fish, it will kill them. That should be some sort of a clue. Quote
spatech (the unreal one) Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 1) Full foam is not a good thing. It is a way to save money in manufacturing and that is about all. 2) We sell a superior sound system for 875.00 3) When the put transducers in the water it is not good fidelity 4) and it will probably cause ailments in people from having their organs bombarded with sound waves in the water. 5) It has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of to use powerful transducers in water to make sound. All 5 statements are opinions although #4 can be also be considered as simply an unsubstantiated scare tactic. That is what you get when an internet salesman is grasping at straws as to why he's treading water in his attempt to become somebody in an insudstry that recognizes him as nothing more than a charlitan. Quote
Roger Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Roger: So if I am currently considering the Quest and the Sovereign (which both have lounges and are about $6400), what would you recommend as far as HS and Marquis goes for models that are at that price range and don't have loungers? I like the Destiny for Marquis but I am affraid it may be a bit more expensive unless you really know how to negotiate. It has a load of different levels in the barrier free seating layout. I like the Catalina XL6000...oops sorry. I like the Hydro Spa Desire and Pristine....oops sorry again. Beachcomber 720,580....dang. Sorry, but you know how I feel about HS, But it sounds like you are getting a good buy on both those models. The Soverign I believe it is, that's barrier free. Quote
Trigger Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Jimbo Arjuna declares: "...When the put transducers in the water it is not good fidelity and it will probably cause ailments in people from having their organs bombarded with sound waves in the water. It has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of to use powerful transducers in water to make sound. Jim you have advanced training in sonography now? Please, elighten us. What leads yo to make this statement? Do you have any third party data that you can share with us? Please disect the "transducers" in the spa audio system and explain to us lackeys what you see as the danger. Quote
Canadian Kahuna Posted December 8, 2005 Report Posted December 8, 2005 Just a couple of notes. I have a different brand spa than what you are looking for and have a lounger in mine. I find it to be very comfortable, and I am not a small guy (5'11", almost 300lbs), the only downfall being is in the winter. I like to be submersed as much as possible when it's cold out (recently it's been between -20 to -40C), and i find with the lounger my shoulders are sticking out a little when i sit properly in it (I can slouch down comfortably and stretch out, but then i don't receive the full benifits of the jets on my back). It's a great seat in warmer weather, and i've found the same thing with all other brands i tested, that I am not submerged enough, but this to me is a minor inconvenience since i enjoy the lounger very much. If it's not too windy out it's still a great seat in the cold, but when the wind picks up, i shuffle on over to a deeper seat. Jim, you know i agree with you on a lot of things, such as i prefer a tub that is TP and beleive in that technology, although FF tubs are also great, but please do some research before putting something down. You say that you are for advancement, but also stated that trandsducers in a tub bombarding you with sound waves could not be good for you. In fact, research is being done on sonography and it's benefits to the human body. Various wavelengths are found to be benificial to our body, and this type of therapy has been in use for several decades now (take a look at therapy where people with various ailments have been swimming with dolphins, finding marked improvements after doing so). I believe in natural healing (along with a regular doctor as well) to a healthy lifestyle, that is part of the reason i bought a spa. In this respect, i've done much research into alternative healing methods for myself and family (which range from ailments such as high blood pressure, cancer, R.A., C.P. to the common cold) and have found that many "off the wall" treatments work, including sonography. I'm not trying to bash you or put you down, but please do some research on the subject before speaking on it, you may be surprised and even change a few designs on your tubs to stay ahead of the game. Quote
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