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tube leak


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Hello, when I bought my house 6months ago, it came with a Hot Springs Highlife portable spa which seemed to have not been used in ages. However, we were able to clean it to hygienic standards on the outside, then filled it up and to our surprise, the jets are working and the heater is working also. So, very happy and very surprised. We did a tube clean treatment for 24 hours, let it drain, and filled it up again. All looks good except that there is a leak in the pipe that pumps the water away from the pump. You can see that it already has been repaired in the past and the leak is only active when the jets are on but it's still a significant leak. The leak is on the top edge of the white part in the picture. That's where the water flows out when the pump is on and the pump is on the bottom of the picture, connected to the tube

I'm wondering how to go about repairing this, or if it's actually possible. The leaking part is accessible, but the pipe goes to a tee and it's pretty much hidden away behind the panel. I attached some pictures. I hope someone can advise me on how to repair this leak. 

Thank you!


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That's accessible, think that the "flex" tube could be cut just below the "4" and new parts then used.  I'd let the glue dry BEFORE attaching the screw fitting to the pump.

Alternatively, you might want to try Seal-a-Leak which will not require any physical repair there https://www.spadepot.com/Seal-a-Leak-Spa-Leak-Sealer-16oz-P790?zmam=55673001&zmas=1&zmac=1&zmap=MT1018&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-ebRpfjD2gIVAZ-fCh2caAHeEAQYASABEgJzhPD_BwE

I use this product on my 30-year old CalSpa which has had a leak for years that I cannot find.  I added some last year.  It does work.

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