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I've been wet testing and shopping for a while now, and have narrowed my choices to these 3 options. Any and all feedback and advice would be appreciated. All of the quoted prices include the usual..cover, lifter,steps delivery,chemicals,lighting,set up...

1. Marquis Epic '07- $ 9995

2.Sundance Optima ( new '06) with cd ozonator-$8549

3.Sundance Maxxus (new '06) with cd ozonator-$ 10750

4.Hot Springs Grandee '07,$10,145


Those are all mighty nice spas! Just a note, the HotSpring Grandee also includes a CD ozonator as standard equipment.

Can't go wrong with any of them on your list. I would take a hard look at each dealer and go with the one you're most comfortable with.

Good luck! :)



I've been wet testing and shopping for a while now, and have narrowed my choices to these 3 options. Any and all feedback and advice would be appreciated. All of the quoted prices include the usual..cover, lifter,steps delivery,chemicals,lighting,set up...

1. Marquis Epic '07- $ 9995

2.Sundance Optima ( new '06) with cd ozonator-$8549

3.Sundance Maxxus (new '06) with cd ozonator-$ 10750

4.Hot Springs Grandee '07,$10,145

I would say, by the list that you don't know much about hot tubs. Keep looking and don't listen to sales pitches that have no basis in reality. The only company worth considering in the above list is Marquis, but they have lowered quality drastically over the years to keep up with high overhead. They are the most ethical of all the above. They all use the cheap method of construction, with full foam.



I would say, by the list that you don't know much about hot tubs. Keep looking and don't listen to sales pitches that have no basis in reality. The only company worth considering in the above list is Marquis, but they have lowered quality drastically over the years to keep up with high overhead. They are the most ethical of all the above. They all use the cheap method of construction, with full foam.


And I'd say Jim Arjuna, that you don't know much about tubs either. All of the above companies have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers. Quality full foam tubs have been the industry standard for excellence.

I really wish you'd stop your B.S. You keep claiming companies are lowering thier quality to keep up. the tubs you shill are 2nd rate and from what the owners of YOUR company say, you're out of buisnes because of your crazy assed methods. Shouldn't you be filling bankruptcy papers or something? Please don't even bring up ethics Jim, your familly is talking sueing you for swindleing them and driving your rebranded tub company into the ground. If there is one single company or person who has a reputation for being unethical its' you. I invite any and all to research you and the info the will find is *stunningly embarrasing*. Do you want to discuss that here Jim? Do you want to make false attacks about legitmate companies? I'll be more than happy to post the info, IF you tell the mods here you want to.

I'll be waiting.


All of the tubs have the cd ozinator. The sundance dealer was the only one that included it as an option.I did look at a Artesian "piper glenn".The price for an'07 with everything is $9999. I thought it was nice but the ball bearings in the jets seemed like a potential problem down the road. Also the "chrome" on the jet outlets seemed kind of cheap. Are these valid concerns or am I "sweating the small stuff" too much. I just want a great quality tub and I don't mind paying for such. I just don't want to make a mistake.



All of the tubs have the cd ozinator. The sundance dealer was the only one that included it as an option.I did look at a Artesian "piper glenn".The price for an'07 with everything is $9999. I thought it was nice but the ball bearings in the jets seemed like a potential problem down the road. Also the "chrome" on the jet outlets seemed kind of cheap. Are these valid concerns or am I "sweating the small stuff" too much. I just want a great quality tub and I don't mind paying for such. I just don't want to make a mistake.


Wet test them. Decide wich one you like the best. They are all decent tubs.

What did you think about the lounger? If you do that would narrow it to the Marquis or the Maxis.

IF the lounger isnt for you, then the Grandee is nice and offers the dual motos' while the Sundace Optima has a nice foot dome.

These really are all personal choices and let the wet test decide.


I've been wet testing and shopping for a while now, and have narrowed my choices to these 3 options. Any and all feedback and advice would be appreciated. All of the quoted prices include the usual..cover, lifter,steps delivery,chemicals,lighting,set up...

1. Marquis Epic '07- $ 9995

2.Sundance Optima ( new '06) with cd ozonator-$8549

3.Sundance Maxxus (new '06) with cd ozonator-$ 10750

4.Hot Springs Grandee '07,$10,145

I'm a fan of larger open, loungeless spas and think you'll like any of these but everyone has their own preferences. They are all large (though not all the same size), the prices look about right and those CD ozonators are helpful. In the end they are all well thought of so take a close look at the dealers, how long they've been in business, how long with that product, BBB ratings wouldn't hurt and take that wet test if possible.


I've been wet testing and shopping for a while now, and have narrowed my choices to these 3 options. Any and all feedback and advice would be appreciated. All of the quoted prices include the usual..cover, lifter,steps delivery,chemicals,lighting,set up...

1. Marquis Epic '07- $ 9995

2.Sundance Optima ( new '06) with cd ozonator-$8549

3.Sundance Maxxus (new '06) with cd ozonator-$ 10750

4.Hot Springs Grandee '07,$10,145

I ordered a Hot Springs Vanguard for $7695.00 with Steps, Lifter, and Chemical kit. We really liked the Grandee as well but it was just too big for our needs. We looked at alot of spas but I would definately go with either Hot Springs or Sundance if I were you but just my two cents. Good luck with whatever you decide.



And I'd say Jim Arjuna, that you don't know much about tubs either. All of the above companies have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers. Quality full foam tubs have been the industry standard for excellence.

I really wish you'd stop your B.S. You keep claiming companies are lowering thier quality to keep up. the tubs you shill are 2nd rate and from what the owners of YOUR company say, you're out of buisnes because of your crazy assed methods. Shouldn't you be filling bankruptcy papers or something? Please don't even bring up ethics Jim, your familly is talking sueing you for swindleing them and driving your rebranded tub company into the ground. If there is one single company or person who has a reputation for being unethical its' you. I invite any and all to research you and the info the will find is *stunningly embarrasing*. Do you want to discuss that here Jim? Do you want to make false attacks about legitmate companies? I'll be more than happy to post the info, IF you tell the mods here you want to.

I'll be waiting.

Trigger. Hot Spring does not follow the safety standards of the United States, that is fact. They get away with it because no-body's child had died yet in one of those "HP" models. But the statistics show that that design has been used before and it has trapped children.

I'll bet you within the next few years, that MASCO dumps them on the market as well. You use the word "legitimate", like it means something. There are a lot of companies who are within the bounds of the government laws, but are way out of bounds from God's laws of love. It is not loving to deceive people in order to make money, no matter if it is "legitimate" or not. It is not loving to present a bunch of false awards to people to sell them an overpriced piece of plastic stuffed with foam and a plastic control box that is known to catch fire. As long as not too many houses burn down, who cares? Is that what you mean?

My brother is an ex drug addict, who has severe mental and emotional problems, anybody who has a brain can see that in his rantings. All that you are doing is to show your lack of ethics and love for humanity by helping him in his insanity. Because I hurt your weak ego, you are going to try and hurt my family. That is really sick, anybody who helps John by enabling his sickness, is hurting my brother, and I will never forgive them. He has been suicidal in the past and if you think I am bad now, just keep on with enabling his sickness and hurting my brother.

I know the facts and the truth, and what my brother thinks is false. We have the most ethical of all the companies.

John's fantasy is the result of many years of burning his brain on intravenous meth, alcohol, and other hard drugs. I still love my brother, but there is no way to communicate with him because his beliefs are way off. According to the medical articles I have read, once the neurological damage has been done by drugs the brain loses it's ability to have any natural pain inhibitors. They can no longer react like a "normal" person.

They strike out at anyone they find to blame the hurt on. The hurt is inside of his mind and nowhere else.

Back in '62 he was melting down enhalers and shooting that up. This is long term brain damage, we are talking about.

Everything I have done with my family is to try to bring them peace and to show love. It is what I do for everyone, but they have to learn the hard way. It is what I have done for you, but you are not teachable, because you have not ruined your life enough with your anger, ego and hate, to want to change. I'll bet you anything that you and your dad do not get along, because you are the disappointment in his life. So, you attack anyone with any authority and any brains, because of your limited intelligence.


I've been wet testing and shopping for a while now, and have narrowed my choices to these 3 options. Any and all feedback and advice would be appreciated. All of the quoted prices include the usual..cover, lifter,steps delivery,chemicals,lighting,set up...

1. Marquis Epic '07- $ 9995

2.Sundance Optima ( new '06) with cd ozonator-$8549

3.Sundance Maxxus (new '06) with cd ozonator-$ 10750

4.Hot Springs Grandee '07,$10,145

Hey Jetjockey,

Well the great thing is that your test soaking in all the spas which is really important! Now it comes to breaking them down and finding the differences between them all, and I'm here to help! I know hot tubs in and out and can give you the pros and cons on each.

1. Marquis Epic- Great spa wonderful company/downfall they have bypass filtration and cleaning cycles.

2. Sundance-have the same issues as Marquis

3. Hot Springs-downfall they are pricey but thats really it, they have no bypass filtration, no cleaning cycles and a great warrenty. The tub cleans 24hrs a day silently!

What does By-Pass mean to you?-It means that when the jets are on, the tub has intakes that suck in the water and passes the filter and comes straight out the jets. So this being said, if you have a hot tub party and have a bunch of people in there and the water gets gross, when you have a system with bypasses the water isn't being filtered its just mixing around.

Cleaning Cycles-now mostly all tubs have them, and the tubs you are looking at have great insulation so noise shouldn't be an issue. But the down fall to having a tub with cleaning cycles is that the water in the tub will sit there stagment for a few hours until the cycle turns on and then its being pushed through the filter compartment.

Hope this helps you! Best wishes and happy soaking!



Hey Jetjockey,

Well the great thing is that your test soaking in all the spas which is really important! Now it comes to breaking them down and finding the differences between them all, and I'm here to help! I know hot tubs in and out and can give you the pros and cons on each.

1. Marquis Epic- Great spa wonderful company/downfall they have bypass filtration and cleaning cycles.

2. Sundance-have the same issues as Marquis

3. Hot Springs-downfall they are pricey but thats really it, they have no bypass filtration, no cleaning cycles and a great warrenty. The tub cleans 24hrs a day silently!

What does By-Pass mean to you?-It means that when the jets are on, the tub has intakes that suck in the water and passes the filter and comes straight out the jets. So this being said, if you have a hot tub party and have a bunch of people in there and the water gets gross, when you have a system with bypasses the water isn't being filtered its just mixing around.

Cleaning Cycles-now mostly all tubs have them, and the tubs you are looking at have great insulation so noise shouldn't be an issue. But the down fall to having a tub with cleaning cycles is that the water in the tub will sit there stagment for a few hours until the cycle turns on and then its being pushed through the filter compartment.

Hope this helps you! Best wishes and happy soaking!



Hottublady, thanks for the reply. It's nice to read a reply about my hot tub question rather than a disertation on brain damage. Does the price on the Grandee sound about right? I looked at the model with the lounger,I think it was a Vista, but I was dissapointed with the lack of jets for the legs and calves etc.What's your take on the warranties of the brands? Thanks..


Hottublady, thanks for the reply. It's nice to read a reply about my hot tub question rather than a disertation on brain damage. Does the price on the Grandee sound about right? I looked at the model with the lounger,I think it was a Vista, but I was dissapointed with the lack of jets for the legs and calves etc.What's your take on the warranties of the brands? Thanks..

Those prices all seem about right. As far as jets in teh lounge for calves, they're fine if they're designed well but if not they'll tend to want to propel you out of the seat. Wet tsting is always smart but IMO it is even more important if the spa has a lounge because it is very hit and miss how a lounge fits/works for each individual.


Bypass does not mean what you think it means.

It does not mean the filtering is any better.

It is the total design that determines the filtering.

If you have a bypass filter system and it filters 40,000 gallons per day and 20,000 gallons is by passed. It still filters better than a no by pass system that moves on only 10,000 gallons per day. 40,000 gallons is 4 times the filtering and the velocity of the water movement gets the body waste into the filters better.

Also the type of filter has something to do with it. A real filter has a smaller debris pore than a T-Rex" screen.

The ANSI standards state that the filter circulation system must be capable of circulating the entire contents of the vessel in one hour. My tests show that is not enough if you want to reduce the chemicals and ozone to safer levels for your skin. 19,000 gallons per day is my minimum according to empirical testing for water clarity with 3 people using a spa daily. That is way we make our spa to have variable filtering that allows for more or less filtering depending on the use.

The 100% "Only Mother Nature Does A better Job" is pure sale bull crap.


This thread is beginning to remind me of a Greek Tragedy.......

There seems to be a 'god' who appears in this thread every couple of messages whispering 'warnings' that sound like they are really meant to trick and deceive our hero, Jetjockey, (edited) on his quest for a spa.

You wouldn't think that a 'god' would be so concerned with such an everyday consumer decision, but, as we remember from high school mythology, those Greek Gods were pretty devious and usually had their own agenda.

It's kinda funny, in a very sad way.

Jetjocky: (edited) You've got a nice list of possibilities there. For what it is worth, I can add that I have owned two Hot Spring tubs, a 93 Prodigy and a 06 Envoy, and have been extremely happy with their performance and reliability. But there are also a lot of owners on these boards who have been just as happy with their Sundances and Marquis tubs, too. I think your perfectly safe with this selection to go with your 'inner child" and select the one that you like the best!


This thread is beginning to remind me of a Greek Tragedy.......

There seems to be a 'god' who appears in this thread every couple of messages whispering 'warnings' that sound like they are really meant to trick and deceive our hero, Hottublady, on her quest for a spa.

You wouldn't think that a 'god' would be so concerned with such an everyday consumer decision, but, as we remember from high school mythology, those Greek Gods were pretty devious and usually had their own agenda.

It's kinda funny, in a very sad way.

Hottublady: You've got a nice list of possibilities there. For what it is worth, I can add that I have owned two Hot Spring tubs, a 93 Prodigy and a 06 Envoy, and have been extremely happy with their performance and reliability. But there are also a lot of owners on these boards who have been just as happy with their Sundances and Marquis tubs, too. I think your perfectly safe with this selection to go with your 'inner child" and select the one that you like the best!

OK here is a joke that my dad told me.

There are a flock of ducks flying south for the winter.

They get into a fog and land for a while to regroup and figure out which way to go.

The Daddy duck says: "My instincts say that we should go to the right over that way."

The Mommy duck say: "My instincts say we should got to the left and we will be fine".

The Baby duck says: "My end stinks too, but it doesn't tell me which way to go."


My "inner child" is in my music, not in designing and building hot tub. I use reason for that.

My son has his own, fix em all, repair company, and recently was out fixing a grandee 2002 with a leaking jet.

The owner got the tub with the house. It is easy to see that it is cheaply made, so those who are not operating on their "inner child" will say things like this; Owner to my son: "This is a piece of crap isn't it?"

The owner had to rip off the plastic strips because my son was taught to not do that. He told the customer that if he had to come back and lift the tub and dig from underneath it would cost a fortune in time.

Then after digging and digging the foam, he found the leak, and exclusive part that you can only buy from Hot Spring.

Just how stupid are shoppers today? If you buy one of those pieces of "crap", then I don't have any mercy on you and when you get stuck with heavy repair bills and parts that cost 5 times what they are worth, then you can remember this.


My son has his own, fix em all, repair company, and recently was out fixing a grandee 2002 with a leaking jet.

The owner got the tub with the house. It is easy to see that it is cheaply made, so those who are not operating on their "inner child" will say things like this; Owner to my son: "This is a piece of crap isn't it?"

The owner had to rip off the plastic strips because my son was taught to not do that. He told the customer that if he had to come back and lift the tub and dig from underneath it would cost a fortune in time.

Then after digging and digging the foam, he found the leak, and exclusive part that you can only buy from Hot Spring.

Just how stupid are shoppers today? If you buy one of those pieces of "crap", then I don't have any mercy on you and when you get stuck with heavy repair bills and parts that cost 5 times what they are worth, then you can remember this.

But remember folks and any honest independent repair guy will tell you 99 percent of all leaks are in the equipment area and some brands are more prone to leaks than others, and HS is not one of them. Leaks in foam are rare and yes harder to fix than leaks not in foam but a piece of cake for a qualified repair person.

So any gloom and doom story you hear is simply sales retoric to steer you towords a non foam type of insulation skeem.


Trigger. Hot Spring does not follow the safety standards of the United States, that is fact. They get away with it because no-body's child had died yet in one of those "HP" models. But the statistics show that that design has been used before and it has trapped children.

Blah blah blah blah....

Jim, it has been explained to you over and over again that Watkins is not in voilation of any standards. It is you who in fact fails to recogonize that the standard allows for other designs and that Watkins tubs are actually safer. However, I'm not going to argue with an idoit (you). I Post mereley for that sake that in the off chance someone who comes by here and isn't aware of you immature posting style and questionable business, will, on thier own, research and discover the filfth and lies you post.

Since you continue to post lies to try and bolster your own crazed brian, since your posting lie after lie about legitimate companies. In an effort of full and equal discolosureI will post quotes from you.

Since you brought it up sir, by you own words you have admitted you are going out of business. I know that you are well aware that letters have been ciruclatating around the net, and since YOU want to discuss it, I'm sure the moderators will allow a posting that counters your lies here.

On your accoutant you state:

We are not required to send out any quarterly reports or

anything. You get your schedule K's when the accountant is paid

and he does the IRS returns. Right now we owe him over $4500 bucks,

which you also owe and he is 2 years behind.

Then you mention your debt again:

Since we have used up the equity in our home and are in debt up to our

eyebrows, that leaves you for collections.

another nice tidbit:

The company owes me a lot of money, but there is no money.

and then you continue to blame others, even though it's been you for ten years swindleing folks:

It is all ruined, thanks to you and John.

Still more:

Then we took out another refinance on the house to keep it

> going,



> There is no money in the company at all. We put in all we had in our

> home, and all the equity to keep it going.


> We had to take out a loan to pay the mortgage and we are about two

> months from homeless.

And still more:

I have not taken any wages in 4 years. Four years of hard work for no money. I can't do that any longer, because we have no more of our equity left to do that with. We have been living off our personal real estate investments and getting nothing from this stupid company. We laid off all the employees in Dec of 05 and now only have part time help from two people and I do all the hard work myself. It sucks. So, John is actually doing me a favor.

I would like to see you have that sort of dedication while all your assets are used up just trying to stay afloat from month to month. We are in debt up to way over our heads, because of this stupid company. Just on Credit cards alone is over 160K. There is no money. I have been telling Sandy that I am tired of it for the last two years of hard work for nothing. The spa industry is never going to turn around and I need to face that fact. It is never going to be like it was in the 90's.

... That is not a good reason to keep on going with something that is this screwed up. The whole hot tub industry is in decline and will probably keep going that way, because, nobody can afford to buy them. ...

I spend most of the day trying to figure out how to pay the mortgage one more time. How many times do I have to tell you that. ..... It doesn't matter, because the entire industry is down to 1/3 in sales. The property is in dire need of repairs so we can sell it and move to some place we can afford.

This is my all time favortie:

There were Zero hot tub sales in Jan and two in Feb. We need a minimum of 50K per month just to keep the bill collectors at bay. We have been paying over $10,000 per month to credit cards all, company debt. I never get to see any money. I wear Salvation Army clothes, except for my boots and winter coat

I have more. Much more. Your own statements that make you look like a deviant circus side show act. But I limited this post to your own quotes about your companies financial ruin. Not about your dysfunctional life that cleary speaks to why you behave the way you do.

As I said, I'm not posting to argue with you Jim. that's an exercise in futility. But since you want to attack others, and other companies, it is only fair that those on the internet understand and read what you yourself have stated.

Now, I honeslty have to chuckle because you have posted deflamatory comments on Jaqcuizzi and their business, and have also made widly false posts about Hotsprings. You' claimed you belived they were cooking the books. Welll here are your very own words claiming that you and your busines is an utter failure.

Have a nice day.


Jim Arjuan writes:

I wear Salvation Army clothes, except for my boots and winter coat

Jim I am NOT sorry that you drove your 2nd rate buisness into the ground. However, I just hope you are wearing your own underwear? Jim, are you wearing someone else's hand me down underwear from the thrift store? That is sad. If you would like, let me know and I will buy you a pack of underwear, ok?


I'll bet you anything that you and your dad do not get along, because you are the disappointment in his life. So, you attack anyone with any authority and any brains, because of your limited intelligence.

I missed this little jab at the end. I think this is a pretty pathetic call out Jim. But once again, if you want to play...ok. I'd take that bet Jim, except you don't have anyting to bet with. you are broke, you couldn't even sell 2nd rate hot tubs. Cripes. You're dad could at least do that. He was a circus freak, right. Didn't even have an eight grade education, but he at least could run a brokerage business?

Let me say this Jim, My dad and I get along great. I find it very odd that you would try to make a personal attack like this. I find it interesting that you focus on other people's dads. It's a low blow to try and rattle me by mentioning my dad.

It seems you are projecting your own "daddy" issues onto others. It's freaky. Espcilly when you learn all about your daddy dearest. But since you want to take this down this road, ok-dokey....

How did you and your dad, ol Wilbur Slim Gruber get along? He sounded like a real peach of a guy Jim, a real peach! I can see where many of your chararistics come from. Did he ever get the dent out of the car from the telephone pole "incident"? I bet he was thinknng "man! I would just kill myslef if i ever dented that old station wagon! "

What do you think his favorite drink was? You know, that place down on Dela Vina? I heard he a had a lot of "Friends" But despite how many "friends he had, I bet he just loved you kids to death! To death Jimmyboy! Wouldn't you say Jim? What do you think Jay would say? I think he would agree with me!

But I am sure, nothing was more inportant to him than you kids. Aint that right Jimmy? He loved you kids, espically the girls. He sure did love his little girls dodn't he? And Mom, I bet they were best of friends. The best!

Do you really want to get into this Jim?


Hello Jim.....?


Hottublady, thanks for the reply. It's nice to read a reply about my hot tub question rather than a disertation on brain damage. Does the price on the Grandee sound about right? I looked at the model with the lounger,I think it was a Vista, but I was dissapointed with the lack of jets for the legs and calves etc.What's your take on the warranties of the brands? Thanks..

Hi JetJockey!

Well the price on the Grandee is great! I just called a local dealer here in Washington State and the told me it was $11,595! So yeah the price that you were quoted is great=)

Now the thing about the lounge....Bear in mind they don't fit everyone, in that being said I know that you have went around and test soaked, have you tried the Vista lounge? Also if your looking for a lounge with calve jets they do have one model but its only a 4 seater and they say its a 5 but I don't count the cool down bench=) That model is called the Aria.

As far as the warrenties here is what I know...


5yr warrenty on shell, shell leaks, and structure, 5yr warrenty on cabinet, 5yr on plumbing, 3yr on major compenents and systems and 1 yr on factory installed parts.

Hot Springs

7yr warrenty on shell surface, 5yr components, 5yr unconditional "No-Fault" heater-regardless of water chemistry, 5 yr everwood cabinets, & 5yr no-leak plumbing


10yr Spa Shell (Structure),7yr shell surface, 5yr equipment & controls (failure to maintain proper water chemistry may void warrenty) 5 yr plumbing

Hope this helps! I'm interested in seeing which one you end up with=) Happy Soaking,



I missed this little jab at the end. I think this is a pretty pathetic call out Jim. But once again, if you want to play...ok. I'd take that bet Jim, except you don't have anyting to bet with. you are broke, you couldn't even sell 2nd rate hot tubs. Cripes. You're dad could at least do that. He was a circus freak, right. Didn't even have an eight grade education, but he at least could run a brokerage business?

Let me say this Jim, My dad and I get along great. I find it very odd that you would try to make a personal attack like this. I find it interesting that you focus on other people's dads. It's a low blow to try and rattle me by mentioning my dad.

It seems you are projecting your own "daddy" issues onto others. It's freaky. Espcilly when you learn all about your daddy dearest. But since you want to take this down this road, ok-dokey....

How did you and your dad, ol Wilbur Slim Gruber get along? He sounded like a real peach of a guy Jim, a real peach! I can see where many of your chararistics come from. Did he ever get the dent out of the car from the telephone pole "incident"? I bet he was thinknng "man! I would just kill myslef if i ever dented that old station wagon! "

What do you think his favorite drink was? You know, that place down on Dela Vina? I heard he a had a lot of "Friends" But despite how many "friends he had, I bet he just loved you kids to death! To death Jimmyboy! Wouldn't you say Jim? What do you think Jay would say? I think he would agree with me!

But I am sure, nothing was more inportant to him than you kids. Aint that right Jimmy? He loved you kids, espically the girls. He sure did love his little girls dodn't he? And Mom, I bet they were best of friends. The best!

Do you really want to get into this Jim?


Hello Jim.....?

I can't wait until, John, decides to attack you guys. It is guaranteed. It never fails.

My Dad was a good man, unfortunately my brother and my older sister hated him.

I was there and lived a very short distance from my dad. He was always really good to me and he taught me a lot of mechanical things. I was the "good son" and Johnny was the "bad son". You can ask John, if he is at all honest. I bought a motorcycle, just like my dad's so that we could go for rides together, back when dad and mom lived in Carmel Valley, CA.

Dad was a very smart man and was very fair in business. I knew him better than any of the other kids, because by the time I came along, they had mellowed out. My dad and my mom both taught me that there was nothing that I could not do if I applied myself and they were right. I have never been afraid to try something new or to expand my knowledge. I have never failed at anything I have attempted and I have no problems with that. My parents were really good people, my brother is a mental case, who was never able to not act out or to piss them off. I don't ever remember a contact between John and Dad that did not result in an argument. John was always at odds with both of them. I found them easy to get along with and I got the full benefit of knowing them. Sandy says that I am the one who needs to write the family history, because I know it from a less emotionally screwed up position.

My dad was a natural mechanic. He had a 6 th grade education and was able to do things that others could not figure out. He has two inventions that he patented and both of them were pretty cool. My favorite was the "tram" for adjusting the front end alignment on a car, in the field and have the caster, camber and tow in to within good functional tolerances. Any mechanic could align the front end of a car with this tool, anywhere.

When I was at my dad's funeral, I met a lot of his business associates that I never even knew of. They had nothing but praises for him as a fair and honest business man. I model my business ethics after what he taught me. Unfortunately for John, he never got to see the good side of dad, because he was always fighting with dad.

When my brother would work on cars, the thing that dad and I got along the most on, John would be beating the car and cussing like crazy while working on the car. It was a sight to see, and if you were new to this, it would have scared you to watch.

If I were you Trigger, I would reevaluate your relationship with your dad, it is what is deep inside that counts, not your superficial BS. I can tell a mile a way that you are not exactly what he wanted in a son, and you know it too.

One of the things I have noticed is that when people are really upset they start making more spelling mistakes.


What does this have to do with hot tubs?

Not much lol.... unless you consider a gypsie/snake oil peddling Spa salesman rhetoric,related. LOL

Let's not forget,Zim is the self proclaimed Spa-Lord. He's entitled to transcribe anything,about nuttin and everything ;)

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