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I am wondering how much financial wiggle room spa dealers have. I am looking at a new Marquis spa. I went to my fairly local dealer, and they have a 2007 leftover in stock. The original list was around $5200. Their leftover in stock price is $4600. The salesperson is including a package worth $900 retail which includes steps, hard cover, chemicals, delivery, etc. I asked if there was any additional discount for paying cash, since they wouldn't have to pay the extra 3% or so that the credit card companies charge them. It didn't seem to matter to the dealer how I would pay, there was no more discount. Then he finally offered me an additional discount of 5%, no matter how I paid. But that was supposed to be a one time only deal for an immediate decision, which I couldn't make.

Do spa dealers usually deal, kind of like car dealers? I don't know how much discounting to expect. I figure, since we're in a recession, they should be willing to talk more of a discount that what they offered. I mean, it's not like a spa is a necessity like food or gas or utilities, but I'd sure like to have it anyway.

What is the usual discounting on a spa? What should I realistically expect? Thanks!


While I was shopping, it seemed like shopping for cars. You think you got the best deal, then they call you back and offer it lower. For instance, I was looking at a Sundance Optima....loaded. At first $10,800 for the FLOOR MODEL was the best they could do. I wanted to add external lights, a cover lifter and an ozonater. After what seemed like a lot of arm twisting, he was willing to give it all to me for $11,000. I started out not wanting to spend over $8000, but was wowed by the looks and stereo of the Sundance. I was looking at a Caldera as well, which I liked better, therapy-wise, and it was much cheaper.

I went back and forth between the two. Not to negotiate, but because I couldn't decide! Each time I spoke to each dealer, they dropped the price. The final price Sundance ended up giving me was $9500 for a NEW Optima with all the options I wanted in the colors I wanted. $1500 less than the "great deal" on the floor model! I felt awful because I knew I was getting a great deal, but still had some hesitation. My husband ended up coming with me and liked the Caldera better so we went with that. They started at $8500 and went down to $7999 with an umbrella.

I want the dealers to stay in business, and I don't want to twist anybody's arm or take a commission away, but there seems to be a good amount if wiggle room. In the Hot Springs showroom, I went twice, and lost my original quotes, and got new ones from a different salesperson. When I got home I found the old quotes. They differed by up to $1000, and I hadn't even negotiated.

There also seems to be much more negotiation power on in-stock models of course.

There are a lot of salespeople on this forum who may hate me for this post, and they may offer other information, but I am just relating my experiences.


Can I ask which Marquis you are negotiating over? I'm looking at a Marquis floor model and a couple of 2007 models - all Euphoria which I was quoted a lot higher for. One model is a 2008 loaded with stereo and LED lights the other ones are 2007 and don't have the stereo and lights.

If you can share that info, I'd appreciate it.


I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?



I don't know who you were asking the color combo of for the 2007 models, but I have 2 Maquis Euphoria's at the dealer that I could choose from. One is blue marble look with a light grey cabinet and chrome jets. The other is tan with red speckles interior and a reddish exterior. He's askign $7000 for those.

The 2008 I love that is loaded with the stereo, lights and chrome is white interior and dark grey exterior for $8500. I'd love to get him to $7500-$8000 or so for that one.

Any thoughts?

I don't know who you were asking the color combo of for the 2007 models, but I have 2 Maquis Euphoria's at the dealer that I could choose from. One is blue marble look with a light grey cabinet and chrome jets. The other is tan with red speckles interior and a reddish exterior. He's askign $7000 for those.

The 2008 I love that is loaded with the stereo, lights and chrome is white interior and dark grey exterior for $8500. I'd love to get him to $7500-$8000 or so for that one.

Any thoughts?

Bear in mind, as part of the price the dealer is also backing the warrenty, coming out to your tub unlike a car dealer where you bring it to them to fix. This cost also comes out of his profit margin (unless they charge a trip fee) since some manufacturers do not pay well on warrenty calls. It is also true that a more exspensive tub has more wiggle room and though not an item that is nessary such as fuel etc. the cost of making the tub has been going up due to the cost of their supplies going up. The economy has effected everything. It does not sound unreasonable for the price he is offering. Specially with the stereo upgrade. Good luck


The spa that's the subject of the original topic post here is a 2007 Marquis Rendezvous (corner, small size). It's taupe with the cedar color cabinet and wildwood cover (whatever that means). That color combination works for me just fine. I have a very small space to put it in, and I'm not interested in built-in music or video (I don't even use that stuff much when I'm not in a spa).

How do you know when you've got the best price from your dealer? Like everyone else, I want it for the lowest possible price, but I dont' want to insult anyone.

Also, I figure I'll be buying my chemicals from this dealer for years to come. They will be purchased at full retail price. Won't he make money from me for years in the future?

I'd be glad to hear from any spa dealers out there on this subject! Thanks.

How do you know when you've got the best price from your dealer? Like everyone else, I want it for the lowest possible price, but I dont' want to insult anyone.

Also, I figure I'll be buying my chemicals from this dealer for years to come. They will be purchased at full retail price. Won't he make money from me for years in the future?

I'd be glad to hear from any spa dealers out there on this subject! Thanks.

Generally you know when you’ve gotten the dealer's best price when you push for a further discount and they say "no thanks" and you believe they really mean it. One way to further sweeten a deal is to ask for store credit. If you feel that's as low as they'll go you can for instance say "It’s a deal if you'll give me $200 store credit toward future chems, accessories, etc.". That's easier for them to swallow than asking for $200 less price since their cost is less yet they are things you’ll need anyway and it assures you’ll be coming back.

I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?


I was originally looking at the Geneva, and given the same price as the Niagra. $8495 w/delivery, setup, steps, cover lifter and 3 months of chemicals. That was w/no negotiation. They offered $7999 for a floor model.

How do you know when you've got the best price from your dealer? Like everyone else, I want it for the lowest possible price, but I dont' want to insult anyone.

Also, I figure I'll be buying my chemicals from this dealer for years to come. They will be purchased at full retail price. Won't he make money from me for years in the future?

I'd be glad to hear from any spa dealers out there on this subject! Thanks.

Generally you know when you’ve gotten the dealer's best price when you push for a further discount and they say "no thanks" and you believe they really mean it. One way to further sweeten a deal is to ask for store credit. If you feel that's as low as they'll go you can for instance say "It’s a deal if you'll give me $200 store credit toward future chems, accessories, etc.". That's easier for them to swallow than asking for $200 less price since their cost is less yet they are things you’ll need anyway and it assures you’ll be coming back.

Thanks for the great suggestion!


treasurespast: The Rendezvous model that you're looking at has at least two upgrades on it (shell color and synthetic siding) and is priced less than what you would see it for at the Marquis company stores in Oregon. Like someone had mentioned above, you might ask for an in-store credit or throw out an offer that is $200-300 below the lowest price that they quoted you and see what they say.

roseya: Those are good prices on the Euphoria, also priced below what you would see them sell for in Oregon.


When I got mine, instead of trying to negotiate more, I asked about getting one of the side mount umbrellas instead (sells for $300). He said that was no problem. He said getting store product was MUCH easier than coming down on the price of the spa. Since I would have gotten the umbrella anyway, it made no difference to me. Maybe you can get them to throw in something you were interested in anyway...a towel bar, umbrella, chemicals, drink holder........just a thought.

I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?


I was originally looking at the Geneva, and given the same price as the Niagra. $8495 w/delivery, setup, steps, cover lifter and 3 months of chemicals. That was w/no negotiation. They offered $7999 for a floor model.

I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?


I was originally looking at the Geneva, and given the same price as the Niagra. $8495 w/delivery, setup, steps, cover lifter and 3 months of chemicals. That was w/no negotiation. They offered $7999 for a floor model.

I am going back to the dealer based on your price - 8495 sounds like a great price for this spa - it was the best spa we tested by far and with a waterfall and lights inclused, I thought 9500 was a good price. Thanks!!


I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?


I was originally looking at the Geneva, and given the same price as the Niagra. $8495 w/delivery, setup, steps, cover lifter and 3 months of chemicals. That was w/no negotiation. They offered $7999 for a floor model.

I am going back to the dealer based on your price - 8495 sounds like a great price for this spa - it was the best spa we tested by far and with a waterfall and lights inclused, I thought 9500 was a good price. Thanks!!


Dealer just called - he is giving me one year finance same as cash - he threw in a year supply of chemicals, but said there is no one in the contry selling a Geneva for 8500, particularly with the one year finance deal - he won't come any lower. By the way; he is doing the elecrtical install as well.


I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?


I was originally looking at the Geneva, and given the same price as the Niagra. $8495 w/delivery, setup, steps, cover lifter and 3 months of chemicals. That was w/no negotiation. They offered $7999 for a floor model.

I am going back to the dealer based on your price - 8495 sounds like a great price for this spa - it was the best spa we tested by far and with a waterfall and lights inclused, I thought 9500 was a good price. Thanks!!


Dealer just called - he is giving me one year finance same as cash - he threw in a year supply of chemicals, but said there is no one in the contry selling a Geneva for 8500, particularly with the one year finance deal - he won't come any lower. By the way; he is doing the elecrtical install as well.


I answered the other thread as well. Mine is a 2007 from Rec Warehouse, which probably has a lot more buying power than a one-store dealer. I also had to pay an electrician $850.

I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?


I was originally looking at the Geneva, and given the same price as the Niagra. $8495 w/delivery, setup, steps, cover lifter and 3 months of chemicals. That was w/no negotiation. They offered $7999 for a floor model.

I am going back to the dealer based on your price - 8495 sounds like a great price for this spa - it was the best spa we tested by far and with a waterfall and lights inclused, I thought 9500 was a good price. Thanks!!


Interesting thread. I just bought my '07 Marquis Epic Signature Series with step, hydraulic lifter, & chemicals for $9400. The dealer didn't show any sign of budging on the price at all. At first he wasn't even going to throw in the step & lifter, but said he could make it work with the $200 online coupon. Then he gave me a 2% discount for cash. (sigh) I might have gotten taken a bit, but oh well, I got the spa I really wanted.

I was looking at an '07 Epic. Original price mid 9's. I think they came down to (on a floor model) $8200 with lift, stairs, chemicals, everything. Wife couldn't live with the color, though, so we're going to look at an '08 this week.

How much in chemicals?

I have a dealer now with the Caldera Geneva and he wants 9500 including lift and stairs. He told me the a years worth of chemicals will be an additional 250.00.

I intend to wait till he calls me back and offer him 9,000 plus he throw in the 1 year of chemicals. He can chose to do it or not.

Anyone have a quote on a Geneva they can share?


I was originally looking at the Geneva, and given the same price as the Niagra. $8495 w/delivery, setup, steps, cover lifter and 3 months of chemicals. That was w/no negotiation. They offered $7999 for a floor model.

I am going back to the dealer based on your price - 8495 sounds like a great price for this spa - it was the best spa we tested by far and with a waterfall and lights inclused, I thought 9500 was a good price. Thanks!!


Interesting thread. I just bought my '07 Marquis Epic Signature Series with step, hydraulic lifter, & chemicals for $9400. The dealer didn't show any sign of budging on the price at all. At first he wasn't even going to throw in the step & lifter, but said he could make it work with the $200 online coupon. Then he gave me a 2% discount for cash. (sigh) I might have gotten taken a bit, but oh well, I got the spa I really wanted.

I was quoted 10,800 on an Epic with no negotiating. Very interesting


When I purchased my Euphoria, it was not my first choice. My dealer knew this as I was very familiar with the features of the other brands. We talked for a while about the different features over two different days and I never lied to him about anything in order to get the best deal. When it came down to payment, I know that charging on a credit card cost the dealer money, so I negotiated by paying cash. So on my second visit, I had checkbook in hand, ready to walk out the door and buy the Sundance Chelsea on the one year no interest promo. When we discussed my pros and cons, I think he knew he had to lower the price in order to get me to buy. Has everything but constellation, robes, and rubber ducky. I am very happy with my purchase and do not regret a thing. I'm sure, with cash, the price I paid is still very profitable and attainable. Constellation was not important to me, so I never negotiated for it.

BTW, since the Sundace had 0%, I would have had no problem paying a little more, since I could have left the cash in the bank earning interest.

  • 1 month later...
How do you know when you've got the best price from your dealer? Like everyone else, I want it for the lowest possible price, but I dont' want to insult anyone.

Also, I figure I'll be buying my chemicals from this dealer for years to come. They will be purchased at full retail price. Won't he make money from me for years in the future?

I'd be glad to hear from any spa dealers out there on this subject! Thanks.

Generally you know when you’ve gotten the dealer's best price when you push for a further discount and they say "no thanks" and you believe they really mean it. One way to further sweeten a deal is to ask for store credit. If you feel that's as low as they'll go you can for instance say "It’s a deal if you'll give me $200 store credit toward future chems, accessories, etc.". That's easier for them to swallow than asking for $200 less price since their cost is less yet they are things you’ll need anyway and it assures you’ll be coming back.

This is such a painful process. Initial price quote I got on a jacuzzi 400 series was much higher ($2000) than what I have seen on the boards here. Can't imagine that the South Texas area is a hot bed of competition. Didn't push the issue yet since I haven't wet tested yet. There is at least a Sundance, HS, Caldera in the area to check out still.


It is exactly like going to a used car lot and being the victim price wise. No one wants to disclose what a fair price is at all but rather cloak everthing in secret. Can you ask to see the invoice on the spa? It is doubtfull he will show it but worth asking. for.

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