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Found 2 results

  1. Hello hive! Third post, this is regarding a newly acquired United Spas Executive model. I have more data and new discoveries to to share!! So I learned that this spa is from 2007, and it is in very good condition for its age. I have found and fixed the only leak I could find on the bottom drain, and now its time to repair/upgrade other issues. First the pump seal was fount to be leaving a trail of leakage - pretty notable. I pulled the 5HP Waterway brand pump and was able to locate the new seal. Removing the impeller was another story!! Ended up cracking it in my attempt to unscrew it. Is there a trick to getting these off? Fortunately the replacement is readily available and pretty cheap! My plan is to run Bromine on this tub, the existing Ozone generator is a relic (UV type from 2007), so it will certainly need replacement. The other issue I found there is that this spa does not use a recirc pump, nor does it have a blower! The ozonator appears to be plumbed into the air suction tubing, and as such will only inject with spa running the jets - not good! AT this time I am considering adding a recirc pump, either utilizing the existing 5500W heater, or making it a completely separate loop, drawing from the pump inlet to (new) circ pump -> O3 venturi -> new dedicated jet. The other possibly would be employing a small 120V heater element to run in conjunction and plumbed inline with the O3 system only. This option would also make it easy to integrate some solar input to this new recirc/o3/heat maintain loop. One question I have is that I have read here that Ozone should have plenty of contact time in the tubing before entering the tup so as to not destroy the cover. Sooooo, how much tubing? What size? Any other req's? Current controls are ACC SmartPack 1000, but industrial controls are my area of expertise from my days in the trades, so I don't feel intimidated in making a parallel heating control loop. What say you all to my hairbrained plans? @waterbear, @RDspaguy, @CanadianSpaTech
  2. I've lived in Colorado for 4 years and got the wild hot tub hair for the star filled sky and yard. We're only gonna use it every other weekend and then treat and drain for a couple of weeks until next fill and reheat. There may be 3 to 4 soaking hours of use each refill, or 1 hour a day average over the weekends it's used. It has two paper filters and is a SaluSpa Realtree MAX-5 AirJet 4-Person Portable Inflatable Hot Tub Spa. I know ZERO about safe spa water so please tell me if this will do for upkeep if the water smells and looks OK when it's filled and used: 1. I've used it for first time this past weekend. I filled it Friday 4pm with 180 gallons of softened well water and put 2 fluid ounces of 8.25% liquid household bleach into it and let it heat up to 104 degrees F. This took 24 hours to heat up. I looked and smelled the water Saturday night 9pm and it seemed fine, maybe a slight hint of chlorine...either that or the new plastic smell from the tub construction. 3 people got in it for 45 minutes. I put the cover back on and then Sunday at 7pm I put another 2 fluid ounces of 8.25% chlorine bleach and used it again for 1 hour at 9pm, allowing it to breath for 15 minutes with the cover off before getting in. When finished I put the top on, turned the heat off, put 1 cup (8 fluid ounces) of 8.25% bleach into it and let it circulate until next morning. I then drained the tub and pump/heater unit and let it dry as best I could in the dry Colorado shade. I rinsed and dried the paper filter elements that still looked very clean. 2. Will this treatment plan be okay ya think, as long as the water looks and smells clean or neutral? Do I need a testing kit for anything? I want to keep this as low maintenance as possible so I don't get tired of it. 3. Am I using too much or not enough 8.25% chlorine? I'm using slightly more (it says 1 teaspoon per 8 gallons drinking water) than the amount the EPA and CDC webpages say to use to make drinking water safe. I figured if it makes it drinkable it may be enough for my use type. If you can tell me the best and easiest way to tend to this little tub, used occasionally, I'd appreciate it a lot! For supplies, I have a Walmart nearby, and am an Amazon user also. Thank you! Andy
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