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  1. My spa pack burnt up. Balboa 55839-02 (VS513Z). Looks like the source of the problem was a pump 2 connection as seen in the pictures. Was this caused by a loose connection or something else? The pump is 240v but I am seeing hints on the internet this spa pack is for a 120v pump 2. Just want to make sure I understand the issue before replacing the spa pack with the same part number. Thanks for the help I am just past the 2year warranty. Will evolution/strong spas or costco help me out with this or should i just buy the parts and replace them?
  2. Ok to begin this post I need to apologize for the sad story and the length of my post….I honestly don’t want yall to think I am shoveling a sob story…Now that’s out of the way let me tell you what is going on. I am a mother of four kids. I have a son who has neurofibromatosis type 1 and Noonan’s syndrome and is disabled. He is a thriving college student that works around all of his challenges including tumors on his arm, brain and spine. He has pain every day. They thought he had cerebral palsy when he was a baby and after many years of physical therapy he was a cross country runner in high school. I have fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and a brain tumor along with several other rare diseases that left me disabled at 28. I am 38 now and I suffer daily with pain. I have also been on oral steroids twice a day for 10 years. It sucks. I am fat and miserable. I spent many years on narcotic medications…enough to kill a horse and his wife. I am off all my medication and I am looking for alternatives. The steroids, Blood clots in my lungs and a year of being bed bound from an injury to my leg…..I am over 300 pounds and exercise kills me. I need a pool….Sorry. Went off into a day dream… Where was I? Oh yeah… Hot tubs are a therapy tool for us and also brings much needed relief. A Morgan spa was given to us. It is a large one with 98 jets. It needed two new motors witch I replaced. The spa pack melted after several months of use. I got another one. A balboa vs501sz. I am the one who connected everything. I am savvy around the house…the only income we have is my disability so learning how to do everything has been a way of life. So this is what happens…. Morgan spa Balboa vs501sz AquaFlo xpe2 and xp2 You turn on the power. The spa pack clicks and enters priming mode. Nothing will come on. If I unplug the pump 1 from the board I am able to run the blower and pump 2 but pump 2 is not pumping at speed. Like half capacity. Also when I turn on the blower the pump slows more and you can tell there is a strain on the power source. Also… not all the jets have water running thru them when the blower is on. It does not matter where I move the pump one plug to….it will not come on. I am pretty sure I have a clog or an air lock but I don’t think that’s all that is going on. Also the heater comes on and tries to heat the water and the temperature rapidly goes up on the panel and the tub turns off or I get the DRY error message. I am struggling here. I am about ready to set the darn thing on fire. I work on it all the time and nothing. AI am so frustrated. I spent a lot of money to have brand new everything and it has not worked one time yet….Retrofit kit they said. Basically plug and play they said. Brand new spa pack and pumps….it will work like a dream they said. Keep in mind that It set for about two years while I was buying and paying out each new piece. I cannot afford anything else for this thing and I can not afford paying someone to fix or work on it. I lay awake night after night praying that the next day it will work and I can disappear in the bubbly goodness and my pain can abate for a short period. My son does as well and I cant stand to see him suffering. Please help me. Point me in some sort of direction.
  3. Hi I'm new here . But I was wondering if there was somebody I could answer a couple questions for me. I have an older coast ball with the TSPA1 board. As you know most of these boards have been discontinued and I was wondering if it would be a viable option to just replace the whole spa pack with something new or even a different brand or if you would just recommend sourcing out a replacement board as I'm pretty sure mine Is in need of replacement. If a new spa pack is in order what do you recommend ? I was looking at a BP 501 retrofit kit because I like the Wi-Fi feature. And was wondering what you guys think. thanks in advance
  4. I recently replaced my existing spa pack with a new Balboa 500z series pack, specifics here: http://www.poolsupplyworld.com/Balboa-54217-Z-Bundled-System-VS501Z-Retrofit-Kit-Complete--Lite-Duplex--Retrofit-Bezel-With-Cords-Primary-Pump-Blower-or-Secondary-Pump-Light-Ozone/54217-Z.htm? My spa has 2 pumps, one 2 speed and one 1 speed. The new spa pack is great, with one exception: I can't get the 1 speed pump to run for more than 5 minutes without cutting off for 5 minutes. It cycles on and off 5 min on, 5 min off. My controls list "blower, jets, temp, light" I have the "jets" as the 2 speed pump and "blower" as the one speed pump. Can someone please tell me how to fix this short duration cycle to a 20 or 30 minute on unless you cut it off? Thanks in advance!
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