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Found 4 results

  1. I have an Intex sx1500 that I got as an upgrade from the cartridge filter supplied with my 12' pool. I have had it nearly a month and I've not really been able to get it functioning as id expect. There's definitely air getting in somewhere... I've stripped it down and rebuilt it adding PTFE tape to all the threads but still no joy It does show some odd behavior, the inlet pipe contracts and releases .. like breathing and the pressure indicator mimics this pattern. I'm not sure if I can link YouTube here as I've uploaded video of its behavior but I'll try https://youtube.com/shorts/PcWqjnb34Gs?si=oljxV1ZMucARtl0r Any advice? Jim
  2. This must be my day for problems! Just posted a question in the hot tub section and now this.... I accidentally left my Hayward sand filter on in the closed position overnight and it blew the main pipe leading to the pump which then pumped the pool water out to below the skimmer. After finding this and this, I reattached the hose, refilled the pool, then returned the sand filter to the "filter" position the next morning. Since then, I am hearing guggling sounds under the multi-port valve, and the filter basked has loads of bubbles when pumping. The pump primed properly after reattaching and changing to "filter". So, I don't know if I have blown the spider gasket or what. I can't find any air leaks either. Any suggestions?
  3. I'm after opinions: Recently, sand began entering the pool from the filter. I finally got around to removing the sand to look at fixing the filter. The filter sand hasn't been replaced since the pool was built - around 15 yrs ago - but the system continued to work fine until the sand problem. After removing the sand and lateral assembly I discovered that the people who constructed the system put TWO sets of laterals in the central pipe (ie 16 individual laterals instead of 8). Unfortunately, the company no longer exists in Australia and I can't seem to buy replacement laterals (they are screw-in with 20mm thread), so I've blocked the inlet for the broken one as a temp measure and decided to buy a new filter (on the basis that the remaining laterals are probably becoming brittle and are likely to fail soon anyway). So, here's my question: Is it a GOOD idea to have an extra set of laterals? Are there any disadvantages other than cost? And will my current filter (with now 15 laterals) end up working better than the NEW filter I buy (which will probably only have 8 or so)?
  4. This is my second year with a vintage Buster Crabbe inground pool. Last year was a successful one learning all the basics. At the beginning of this season I decided I should change the sand in my 270T filter. All went well and I've been filtering (with a few backflushes) for a couple of days. Today, however, I started vacuuming the bottom and at point the return flow diminished (I was using a skimmer basket and of course the pump basket, and not using the was setting--this is how I did it last year). I turned off the pump, cleaned all the baskets, backwashed and rinsed, and then restarted filtering. The return flow was strong for about 30 seconds and then went to just about zero. I backflushed and rinsed a couple of more times with the same results. Trying to determine where the problem is, I checked flow on backwash and waste settings, with positive results--the water flows properly. Then I ran the rinse for a minute or so and monitored flow, and just as with the filter setting, the flow (this time away from the pool) diminished. So, I know that the problem is within the filter and not within the return line to the pool. Any thoughts? Could I have put too much sand in the filter? I was a little more than the recommended six inches from the top (more like eight). I used standard filter sand. Could it be a problem with the laterals? Could they somehow have been crushed? Why would it work for four days before this problem. And why after vacuuming? Have I put really bad slugde into the filter that won't come out? Also, the pump is working well, pulling/pushing as it should (when the settings are backwash and waste.
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