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Found 22 results

  1. I have a Hot Spring Jetsetter Serial JJ2R1287 (I think 2013 from research I've done). The control panel went dark a few months back and I couldn't see the screen. However, everything else still worked. Now, the jets and lights no longer work. The heater does still work. In my research for a new topside control panel, it appears that the one I need (Hot Spring Spas 76844 P/N) is discontinued because of this thing with Watkins where I guess i need to buy their updated control panel and a new control box. YIKES! My question is, could there be any chance it could be a fuse or is this a pretty clear indicator I need a new topside control panel? If not, where can I find an old used part so I don't have to buy a new control box, too!! yikes!
  2. My HydroSpa Mark 3 is showing an ice error message on the screen, but remains functional. It’s sometimes sends the jets and bubbles on, repeatedly, always showing the same message but also sometimes runs perfectly fine. I don’t know what the problem could be… Could anybody help? Thank you.
  3. I have a 2 year old Arctic Spa hot tub and I just finished troubleshooting a water flow issue. Turns out the filter bypass flapper valve broke off and was stuck at the face of the impeller. Is this thing even necessary or should I just leave it out?
  4. Has anyone seen this before!?! My hot tub is less than a year old it's a Dynasty Palm Island II everything works great it has lots of extras like the ozone thing a gecko motor blah blah blah... But after only about 2 months in these little flakes started to appear, I have been a stickler for checking the water chemistry at least 2 times weekly. At first I really thought it was like someone's dead skin that came off 🤢 but it gradually got worse even after shocking, lowering the PH, water changing. We stored it for the winter after about 3 water changes for cleaning and pulled it back out, they are still here!! Bigger and way more, 4 water changes, shocking, vinegar, bleach testing for biofilm (didn't desolve by the way) it's still here, less but they are so big. I haven't found anything on the same level. My dealer is dumbfounded, I'm stuck.
  5. Hi, I have a pool with an inground spa. The spa/pool is close to 40 years old and I believe I have a leak behind one of my Spa jets. The local pool repair companies won't touch the jets. I am hoping someone on this forum can help me identify the jets I have and or help me figure out how to remove them. Any advice is much appreciated.
  6. I recently emptied and refilled our hot tub and decided to use SpaBoss PH Stable for the first time. In the past our PH has bounced around and this product says it helps with that so I thought I'd give the product a try. I used it per the instructions on refilling it. After the product had been in the hot tub for more than 24 hours I tested it and found the hardness was too low so I added SpaBoss Cal-Rise. It turned the water cloudy (which the PH Stable instructions said could happen) and I kept rinsing the filter, after 12 or so hours the cloudiness went away. After I was left with a film/grit on the inside of the hot tub (also had residual calcium flakes on the bottom of the tub which I scooped out). I keep wiping it down with a rag and rinsing the filter. Now, one week later I just did the weekly shock and tested the water - hardness level is still too low, I suspect adding Cal-Rise will result the same as it did a week ago with cloudy water, flakes at the bottom, etc. What should I do?
  7. Hello all, I'm new to Pool Spa Forum and also for the hot tub/spa subject. Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge. I tried every search engine to find this in-ground spa brand but did not have much success. Does anybody recognize this hot tub brand in the picture? How old (roughly) is this unit? ______ Here is the full story behind this, and I have a few more questions if you have time to read. The house I purchased a few months ago came with this in-ground hot tub, and it was listed as a non-functioning item. After all the hours/yard cleaning and renovations, I finally got free time to look at the hot tub. It was covered with a heavy wooden panel, and it seems the hot tub was not used for years (tenant confirmed they did not use it for six years at least.) The acrylic/fiberglass tub had few inches of old dirty water left with some residue. I cleaned up everything and washed the tub. I filled the water and turned the two pump switches (picture 6), everything seems to be working fine. Jets working, Water circulation pump is working, heater turned on and seemed working fine too. These are the equipment this system has, Jandy LXi gas heater (runs on natural gas) Jandy Pro Series CS200 filter Two separate pumps (for water circulation and jets) Air pump (very loud) Of course, the first round of water was full of dirt/dark-colored. I removed the water and cleaned the filters (Jandy CS200, canisters 1 and 2.) Filled up again with water, added liquid chlorine (Home Depot brand and added a little over half a gallon), let it run for few hours. Removed water again and cleaned the tub shell, filters. Filled up with water for the 3rd time, added liquid chlorine, circulated for few hours every day for a week (now water is clear), pumped the water out again. Now the tub is empty, as you see in the pictures. I ordered a new filter for the Jandy CS200 to replace the old filter. I will fill water again, run one more time for a week, and remove the water for the 4th time before using it. I know this is an old hot tub, but I would like to use it until the heater/motors fail (if possible) and maybe replace this with an above-ground new hot tub. I appreciate it if can help me to identify/replace few things, and some advice, What else should I do before I use it (I will do the water PH, alkaline, chlorine balance)? Hot tub jets are old and brittle (Picture 3, 4 & 5.) I need to replace them (if possible) and want to know how to remove them. I was managed to pull two fish eye parts out (picture 5) but not the whole unit that I need to replace. Two small holes in each side of the jet cover (picture 4) are just plastic hole. Not screws or anything in it. How can I remove yellow stains on the tub shell? (stains from old water and organic materials left for years). I tried bleach, white vinegar, alcohol but had no luck of removing them. Do I need to run both pumps all the time when I use the hot tub? Can someone please explain to me the pump/filtration process in picture 6? I appreciate if you have time to help me with this project.
  8. My american whirlpool hot tub was hooked up yesterday and properly installed. The control panel turned on and worked. This is am i fill it up and try to turn on control panel and won’t turn on. Had my electrician come back out and checked GHI and fuses and panels and nothing everything is fine. Blinking red light on american whirlpool tag but control panel will not turn on. Called my company who i got it from to come out and can’t get them out here for 2 weeks!!! any suggestions please!
  9. Looking for some help out there. Just replaced the heater relay board and the heater did not replace the main board. It worked great for a while and then all of a sudden the red light on the main board would not light up the green light on the main board was lit green. The controls change the temperature OK and the red light shows up for power and control but it does not heat up. This red light is on the control the red light on the main board does not come on does it sound like I need to also upgrade the main board?? Thanks And any help would be greatly appreciated The picture is upside down The green light is on the two red lights are off this is on the main board The green light is limit OK The red heater on never comes on even though I just replaced the power relay board. there is a green light on the power relay board the new power relay board appears to be working fine the only problem is the heater never gets power Limit OK green always lit htr on - red light never comes on Bottom red light on the main board never comes on Small green lit light Constantly on the power relay board Keep in mind that this is an updated power relay board with a main board that is 20 years old
  10. Hey guys. Im looking for a hottube. I have 2 options in my mind. 1. https://wooden-me.uk/product/hot-tub-integrated-heater/ and 2. https://wooden-me.uk/product/plastic-hot-tub-with-outside-heater/ maybe someone know more about wooden hottubes?
  11. Hey all! Question/Opinions wanted. Looking at a 2016 Caldera Spa. Comes with cover, cover lifter and stairs from a dealer that refurbishes tubs. Asking price is 5450 + tax and delivery...seem fair or??? Thx!!
  12. Hey Guys and Gals, I'm really hoping someone here can help me as I'm at a total loss... I recently moved into a new rental home and there is a nice 2006 Spa Coleman Hot Tub outback. It looks brand new. The owner of the property indicated it wasn't working but he would spend up to 200 on parts if I did the work to which I agreed to see if we can get it going. So first off it hasn't ran in about a year. The water in the tub is stone cold maybe 40 some degrees. When you power on the breaker the tub goes through what appears to be a self check and flashes 100 then 21 then 114 then 240 and then goes direct to an OHH (Overheat Code). I have verified DIP Switch 3 is on and all others are off as shown on the panel diagram. My immediate thought was one of the M7 sensors on the inline Balboa heater were bad. After pricing the 2 sensors I decided to just replace the entire heater with both sensors. The new heater cam today and I installed with both new M7 sensors it just fine with no issues and sure enough it still loads to the OHH screen. I am completely locked out of the panel all it will display is OHH and there is no function. Here are a few more factors that may help someone with more knowledge than me come to a conclusion... 1.) I can't find a rest button anywhere other than the GFCI Reset on the breaker panel. I have looked on the board and all along the power in cord. Am I Missing Something? 1A.) I have hosed out the filter. 2.) When I leave the power to the tub even though the OHH remains on the tub does go into its standard cycle and powers on jets to circulate water every 15 minutes. 3.) If I switch on DIP Switch 10 I get message CFE then A10. Which I understand is a programing mode for the factory and not supposed to be used by the end user. I didn't mess with it to screw up programing but did this to verify the board is in fact communicating with the topside panel. In my logic this says the board is working at least somewhat. 4.) Could it be the sensor inside the tub? That will be a bear to change the way its on the tub so I'm hoping to stay away from that if it's not the likely culprit. At the end of the day it's not my hot tub but I have a 2 year lease here and am willing to spend a few bucks to get it going. The one local spa place here charges 200 just to come out and have a look and then 150 per hour which I can't afford for just a diagnostic! Please help! I'd love to hear if you've ever experienced this or something similar and what the fix was. Happy New Year Everyone! Justin
  13. I am really wanting an inflatable hot tub, but am reading a lot of terrifying things. Most reviews are great, but I’m seeing a lot of reviews saying different ones fall apart after a year. I do not want to pay the extra money right now for a fiberglass hot tub. So is there any brand of portable spa that will last me a few years without problem? Or are they all garbage, that will die after one year? Thank you! regards, Ash
  14. Looking at a Marquis Vector21 (V84), definitely a higher tier than initially intended, but price is ON PAR with entry level Caldera and HotSprings (Vanto. Rhythm, shocker!). Can anyone with experience confirm if $11,500+ is a good buy for Marquis V84 in SW Ontario? No matter how we look at it, other models with few accessories add up to nearly $12,000 so may as well splurge, right? Thanks in advance!
  15. I have a keys backyard hottub. I can't find my manual and was hoping to find one somewhere on the internet. No luck. Hope someone can help! Thank you!
  16. Hi, we are looking for our first hot tub and I’m hoping you can help with some advise. We live in the Twin Cities, so efficiency during the winter extremes is very important for us. I’m not overly concerned with number of jets, stereos, lights, etc. What I am concerned with is insulation, reliability (in the hot tub and the dealer), and TCO. I’m curious to hear from others on here what their buying experience was and how they feel their hot tub did getting through this last brutal winter. I’d also love to hear opinions on purification systems (salt, chemical, ozone, etc). We are looking to get a 5-6 person hot tub for outside and I expect to pay between $8-12k when all said and done. Thanks in advance!
  17. My hot tub keep cutting off and displays the OH. The tub is about 15 years old. It is not even heating up to the temp setting of 103. It will run a couple of hours then shut down with the OH on the display. When the temp gets close to 100 it shuts down. I have checked the filter and cleaned it. I have opened all the valves, the pumps are working as it should. I replaced the heating element with a heavy duty one about 4 years ago. I have cut the breaker off several times to see if it would reset itself. The temp was 98 and it cut off with the OH on the display and will not to anything even when cutting the breaker off and back on still displays OH. I don't know what to do at this point and any insight would be helpful.
  18. Need help being new to this. I have looked round a few shops now and have come to a split decision between the artisian south sea spa 748ldx and the hot spring hot spot relay. Both are the same price just need a bit of help? Thanks
  19. Spa is not heating, voltage to each element is 120v. But when I set the temp up to 104 the spa kicks on for a shot while and then shuts off. I don't hear a low speed pump circulating. What way should I go, change the 2 speed pump or replace heater?
  20. Hello All Have a look: https://reefbuilders.com/2012/04/11/milwaukee-instruments-ph-orp-controller/ Is it possible to use this for a hot-tub chemical feeding? Maybe just salt water + PH down automation ? Thank you !
  21. It seems so hard to figure a fair price on any hottub no matter where you call. No pricing anywhere online, I'm just looking for a current MSRP on a HotSpring Limelight Flair model. thx
  22. I used the hot tub (built in, overflow fountain into pool and little fountain in the middle of hot tub) for the first time, and it took a lot of guessing to figure out how to turn jets on/fountain off, etc. Finally got that figured out but now that I am trying to return it to normal I'm having trouble. I'm not sure if all the valves are turned right, but I figured out how to get all things solved... fountain at right height, small fountain in pool on, and jets off, but when I turn the valve that way the hot tub drains really quickly. Tried turning different valves different ways to see if drain was open when that valve turned, but no matter what I tried it's still draining. When I turn it back to how it was before draining, the fountain in hot tub is at the right height, but the jets are still on and the pool fountain is off. I don't know the names of certain pipes or any of that, so what I have googled hasn't been much help, or I thought it helped but hot tub still is draining. Could get pictures if needed. Help!
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