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Found 2 results

  1. I recently emptied and refilled our hot tub and decided to use SpaBoss PH Stable for the first time. In the past our PH has bounced around and this product says it helps with that so I thought I'd give the product a try. I used it per the instructions on refilling it. After the product had been in the hot tub for more than 24 hours I tested it and found the hardness was too low so I added SpaBoss Cal-Rise. It turned the water cloudy (which the PH Stable instructions said could happen) and I kept rinsing the filter, after 12 or so hours the cloudiness went away. After I was left with a film/grit on the inside of the hot tub (also had residual calcium flakes on the bottom of the tub which I scooped out). I keep wiping it down with a rag and rinsing the filter. Now, one week later I just did the weekly shock and tested the water - hardness level is still too low, I suspect adding Cal-Rise will result the same as it did a week ago with cloudy water, flakes at the bottom, etc. What should I do?
  2. Hello! On Thursday we have had our first startup of our new Envoy! So long everything is working fine and ok. Water reached 38 celsius = 100 F. Regarding the water guidlines we are not really sure about the right values. We are using the ACE system whereas the manual tells that the hardness should be 25-75 ppm, optimal 50 ppm. (Whithout ACE the main manual tells 100 to 150). Our water from the pipe has 300 ppm .... With the vanishing act we reduced to 75 ppm. - ok But some homepages and suppliers of hottubs recommend that the hardness of water should be minimum 200 or better between 250 and 400 to avoid corrosion of the pool parts. Can you explain me such statements and why there is a so huge difference? Am I destroying my hottub with such a low hardness? Tx for replys! Gernot
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