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Found 12 results

  1. Good day, I recently returned from vacation, and upon my arrival, I discovered that the spa (Dynasty spas with a Gecko in.XE 5-11-H4.0) was no longer working. It kept trying to reboot continuously in initializing mode (click sound every 30 sec.). Following the recommendations I found on this website, I replaced the 5600 µF 25V capacitor. After this, the spa managed to restart, and the pumps began working. However, after a few minutes, everything shuts down again, and the reset cycle starts over. I tried turning off the circuit breaker and retrying, but without success. Any idea ?
  2. New spa owner and after a few months of ownership I think the Filter Mode is acting wacky. I have the following settings: FS_8AM, FD_4, FF_2, EP _1, ES _11PM, ED_8. (The LL setting is 1, factory set and I have not tried changing it.) So my expectation is that at 8AM the filter will start running for 4 hours and then 12 hours later run again at 8pm. The spa will go into eco. mode (EP1) at 11pm until 9AM. The first day when I set it everything ran as expected but the next day the filter only ran for 15mins at 8AM and I waited 90min to see if it was just slow before I reset the start time to 10am and then the filter mode was kicked off normally. Researching the issue and I came across a Gecko FAQ that stated that the Filter mode will not run if the temp. delta was more that 2 degrees from the set temperature. In this case the set temp was 80 but the water was 84. So prior to changing the start time to 10am i changed the temp to 83 and waited 10-15m to see if that would register and start the cycle but it didn't work. (not sure which gecko model this refers to). Attached some pics of the Gecko and top controller (pay no attention to the temp. it was after filling it a few days ago). Thoughts?
  3. I keep getting error 8 on the hydroquip display. When I power on the jacuzzi the light works as well the controller. I can see 8.0 on the screen when turning on the jacuzzi but it does not do anything. Controller light works and jacuzzi light as well. Anyone any idea what this can be? And how to troubleshoot? I am especially curious what the error 8.0 means.
  4. Newbie to the forum. I have a Gulf Coast Spa LX5000 circa 2006 purchased from a neighbour who was moving. He had just replaced the pump and some of the jets, I replaced the final 4 jets. Finally got a pad and electrical hooked up, cleaned it and filled it. While bringing it up to temperature it stopped heating and reported a Rh-Nf (no flow) error, yet there was water flowing. Cycling the power would get it heating again, but then would stop again. It seemed if I set the temperature to just a few degrees above the current temperature it would heat again and finally got it to 100F. We were able to use it a few times but randomly I found it again had a no-flow error. I removed the filters and also the strainer on the bottom of the tub because I noted the high speed flow was not as aggressive as I though it should be. I still had no-flow errors after that and no increase in flow. I also taped the shaft of the knife valve at the input to the pump case it was sucking air. I also made sure all the jets are open. Yesterday I found it had a P1-Er (pump 1 error). Cycling the power, the motor did not restart and it came up with the error again. I did some troubleshooting (I'm an electronics guy ex-farmboy mechanic type) I had a little pie shaped BeachComber tub from '92 till 2013 that I converted from air switches to PLC control and temperature control using an industrial PID temperature controller. I could not read any voltage to the motor, but then its not in an easy spot to get to and once I thought there was voltage there, but the motor wasn't making a sound so not the start capacitor.. maybe the thermal cut-out? I left the spa breaker off overnight. This morning the pump would operate again but cut out after about 2 minutes. The display still shows the motor as running but then reports a pump 1 error Observations: - The pump on high speed never seemed to have the power that my old BeachComber did, so I'm thinking there is an obstruction. I checked for debris at the input of the pump today and found none. - The Gecko controller monitors the motor current so I put it through the current learning mode again. On high speed it records 10.4 Amp and 3.7 Amps on low speed... the motor is 2HP and the plate reads 8.4 Amps and 2.4 Amps... so the motor is drawing more current than it should. - I attached my voltmeter with clips and observed the pump voltage goto zero when the spa pack reported the Pump 1 error. So I'm thinking there must be an issue within the pump, or a restriction between the output and the jets. So, I think this restriction is loading the motor causing it to overload and the current detection in the spa pack shuts OFF the motor and reports the error. So my question is, what should my next step be? I'm thinking pulling the pump apart and checking for debris inside. There is not much after the pump to cause an obstruction... What say ye?
  5. Just looking for a bit of expert advice here guys. First off, I am an electrician, so I can handle the basics of troubleshooting. Last year my spa started acting up and only heating to around 92 degrees F. Even from a cold fill it has no issue heating up to this temp rather quickly, but despite being set to 104 it heats no more than around 92F. I initially thought it might be the temperature thermistor so I changed that but it's still the same. Then I thought it might be the flow switch acting up, but even with that bypassed it still only heats to 92 then shuts off. The control panel shows the heat is on, but I've confirmed there is no voltage to the actual heater. Yet, it will cycle on and off to maintain that temperature. The only thing left I can think of is to replace the whole control board and/or the keypad control. Any ideas of what else it might be? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. (the control pack is Gecko SSPA-MP-P122-P212-B1-O1-NE-LS-H5.5-AMP-HS2)
  6. My names josh. I have a 2019 arctic spa hot tub it has a gecko in.k300 control panel. I have 2 questions! Question 1: When I try to put my spa into econony mode by holding the lights button for 5 seconds, the option is not there. It goes straight from the filter settings to temperature unit with no option to set economy mode. How do I fix this? Question 2: As well, while trying to figure out why I didn't have economy mode, I held the lights button down for about 15 seconds thinking maybe there was a way to reset it so it would show economy mode. I dont know what this did. Did I damage anything? Suddenly the display started flashing random messages. I pressed the lights button once more and all the pumps turned on then the heat display started flashing and stopped displaying the temperature instead just showing 3 dashes. I do not know what I did. I ran and turned the breaker off to the hot tub. When I turned it on again the heat display was still flashing 3 lines. After a few minutes it has a temperature shown again. I am just worried I might have changed a setting I shouldn't have. Thanks, Josh.
  7. Hey guys, looking for some technical support. I'm retrofitting a new S-class Gecko spa pack to my 2001 Gulf Coast spa. Once installed, the display screen backlight turns on, but the display does not show anything. Further, the buttons on the panel do not control the indicated items. For example, hitting a button such as the light button turns the blower motor on. Hitting the arrow down button turns pump 1 on. None of the functions are correct. So, I tried a brand new panel, same issue. I have tried changing the jumper position with no change. The display continues to not work. So, I tried to replace the brand new S-class Gecko spa pack with another one, same issue persists. The old control pack is no longer available. Here are my tub specs: 240v - line 1, neutral, ground, line2 2 pumps Blower Ozone Does another have a clue as to what could be going on? I'm desperate for some help!
  8. Hello just replaced my spa pack Gecko with exact same one but now key pad K 35 not working properly pump 1 operates from pump 2 button, temp increases with light button , no htr, no pump 2 thinking need to replace key pad also .old spa pack grounded out due to water leak from pres switch any ideas opr help would be great
  9. I'm hoping someone can help me here, one of my kids has messed about with the control panel on my hot tub, its a "Gecko AEWare IN.K600", and I have the Gecko IN.XM spa pack. They've managed to select the "Keypad upgrade" option in the info sub menu. When I opened the lid the display read "Bootloader Software Upgrading" (could've been like this for a day or so) I cancelled the upgrade, and now the control panel only has the option to turn on the light, (although it doesn't turn on) Usually it has the light icon at the top then 3 jet options below it. I can access the "options" menu and the "info" sub menu, also I can set the region, security and time and date and set the temperature of the water, although the water doesn't heat up. I've tried turning it off at the supply isolator and turning it back on, also been through the IN.XM LL program on the spa pack and this didn't appear to flag up any error codes. I've also tried the keypad upgrade option again but it just stayed on the bootloader software upgrading screen until I cancelled it. Does anybody know if there is and option to roll back the software, or factory default it? The only info I can find on software upgrading is using an in.stik in the spa pack. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated Thanks in advance Dave
  10. Hi I'm new here . But I was wondering if there was somebody I could answer a couple questions for me. I have an older coast ball with the TSPA1 board. As you know most of these boards have been discontinued and I was wondering if it would be a viable option to just replace the whole spa pack with something new or even a different brand or if you would just recommend sourcing out a replacement board as I'm pretty sure mine Is in need of replacement. If a new spa pack is in order what do you recommend ? I was looking at a BP 501 retrofit kit because I like the Wi-Fi feature. And was wondering what you guys think. thanks in advance
  11. Hello forum! I recently decided taking on the project of building myself a hot tub from free new/used parts on craigslist. I have ended up with an old Clearwater tub plumbed for 2 pumps. I installed a Spabuilders Gecko S-Class spa pack (sc-cf-p122-b2-o2-cp1-ls-hp-u-amp-ne-ap2) and set it up for all 120v, per the label instructions on the inside of the lid. I then wired the two pumps that I have to 115v and plumbed/wired everything together (I hope I'm using proper terminology) I am at the point where I would like to fill and plug the tub in....but am unsure about the electricity source. On most Gecko S-Class packs I see, the sticker rates 120v 15amp and 240v 40+amps. The sticker on my pack however only shows 240v 38amps...despite being convertible. My setup is as follows.... 1 two-speed main pump that reads 230/115v 6.0/16.0amps and a second two-speed pump that reads 115v 11.0/2.9amps as well as an ozone pulling...whatever amperage that a Balboa O3 pulls ;-) The spa pack has no labeled or implied option for a second pump and I was hoping to just attach the second pump to the blower output in the hopes that the pack will at least run it at a single speed. My questions are.....Is this possible? Or will this pump draw too much for the blower output on this pack? Can I replace the blower fuse on the pack with a larger one to accommodate the pump in this position? What sort of amperage should I anticipate this setup pulling? I was hoping to run it on a 20amp outlet.... Thank you for reading and I look forward to your responses. If I can provide ANY further helpful information, please ask.
  12. I have a easy life spa with a Gecko heater and I get a code of RHNF. I checked all the pumps and there is no air locks. Then I shut down all the power for 20 min turn it all back on and it will start the circulating pump and run for about 10 min and then start flashing RHNF.I was told that there was no water going though the heater so I took the load side water piping off the heater and yea there is plenty of water going thought the heater.Now I was told the heater is shot REALLY???? So could there be any other thing wrong a heater is 350.00 bucks the heater model number is 0603-421002 Thanks for any help with this
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