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Found 6 results

  1. Hotsprings instructs users to put all chemicals only into the filter compartment. We are using bromine granules, and coincidentally?? the only time my water remained clear is after I put the bromine in the main tub area rather than filer area. Is this a coincidence? Background I have a new hotsprings Pulse spa and the water was cloudy after several days. I discovered the installer put the ozonator check valve in backwards. After many attempts with dealer to fix the chemistry, we finally drained and refilled tub, Then followed all instructions and water became cloudy after a few days, I proceeded to put in bromine 2.5 tablespoons for 380 gal tub. After 16 hours no free bromine detected. Ph 7.2 and alkalinity 122 water still cloudy Next I put in 4 tablespoons (super shock) but this time directly into tub not thru filter area (I also changed filter) Note "older" filter is only 1 month old and has been rinsed every week. Left cover off for 6 hours. Now finally water is clear. What was the problem?? Filter, putting bromine into filter area, check valve? other??
  2. Hi, I have an outdoor endless pool 9000 litres It went cloudy after 6 months, the PH is fine, the chlorine levels are fine too I check every other day and top up as required. When it went cloudy I checked and washed the filter it is a PAP50 , then added flocc, with pump off the water is clear but I can see clouds of contaminate on the floor of the pool, If I try my pool wand it just moves the cloud about, the endlpool skimmer has no vacuum port like other pools. I chlorine shocked the pool but to zero effect How can I remove this stuff from the water, I have ordered a new filter cartridge. Thanks for any suggestions Rob
  3. Water was perfect after opening in May. I maintained clear, sparkly water. Accidentally I used two different shocks (cal hypochlorite and trichloro s triazinetrione) 10 days ago and water is so cloudy with a tint of green. I've used clarifier and algae guard. PH and chlorine are within normal range. I am at a loss as to what to do to get the water back. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  4. Hey y'all! I am a frequent reader but decided to post my question here as other threads did not address it. Here it goes: I had an algae bloom post opening. I was travelling and FC level dropped. To me, it looked like mustard algae. I shocked it with 6 gallons of concentrated liquid chlorine. I also added algaecide because I had heard that mustard algae are quite resistant to chlorine. After a week of processing, brushing and vacuuming, I have no sign of algae but the pool is milky white. My test results are: Pool: 25k gallons FC: Still very high, literally off-the-chart Total Alk: 110 PH: 7.4 CYA: 60 Hardiness: 70 (going to increase after the pool clears) During the shocking process, I let my sand filter run 24x7 and back-washed twice a week. Pressure wouldn't build up too high, so didn't feel like I had to backwash more frequently. Since the pool was not clearing, I added this clarifier. I have to admit that I put 2x the amount I was supposed to, by mistake. It's been over two days now but it's not clear yet. I bought the house last year and am not sure when was the last time pool water and filter sand were replaced. My last option here is to flock it if it doesn't clear up. I decided to ask the group for input before moving forward. Thanks! This is how it looks today.
  5. Hi everyone. We bought a house that came with an AG 15,000 gallon pool almost 3 years ago. When we got it, we finished up the season knowing nothing but were given simple instructions and we managed fine and we closed it up fine. Last year, we opened it fine, chemicals were good for a month-ish and the pool looked inviting. Last year was a terrible year for our family, my husband lost his sister as well as he was diagnosed with cancer. The pool took a back burner. Between our normal jobs and appointments and you name it...it developed algae due to us #1)not knowing what we were doing #2)trusting the pool companies #3)not having time to commit to it. We unfortunately relied on the pool companies and all they did was have us spend a ton of money on things that didn't 100% work. We ended up closing the pool early (yes it was still a mess). When it came time to open it this year, we paid a company a come out and install a new sand filter (we previously had an old cartridge filter) and open the pool and get the chemicals off on the right foot for us. I can't say we were completely pleased, when he opened the pool, he dumped everything that was on the cover of the pool into the pool! That was nasty sitting water/leaves/etc that had been accumulating for over 6 months! By the time he was "done", the water was almost clear, it was a pretty blue, and you could see piles of debris sitting in the bottom, which he told us to use our Polaris to get out or scoop it out. As soon as we started this project, everything got stirred up. We've vacuumed the pool, used the Polaris, scooped out as much as we can...and we have this cloudy aquamarine/teal color and you can't see the bottom. I tested the pool about an hour ago and here were the results, we use a Taylor K2006 kit to do it ourselves since we found we got different results when we took the same pool sample to 3 different pool companies. FC: 2.8ppm CC: 1.2ppm Ph: 7.2 TA: 70ppm CH: 170ppm CYA: 60ppm We just received this test kit at the beginning of the month and we've been able to successfully raise and lower results as needed thanks to the treatment guide provided with the kit. This result was the highest the CC has been since we started testing. TA, CH, and CYA have been very stable since we originally got them corrected. The only things we're closely monitoring and adding are chlorine and soda ash as needed. The big question is how to be get our pool sparkling blue?
  6. I have a Hayward cartridge filter with four cartridges. The top closure plate (manifold) is broken in two places along the flat part around the part that fits inside the cartridge. It seems to still fit ok, but I've started having a problem with brown silt at the bottom of my pool and cloudy water. I've replaced the cartridges and used Pool First Aid, and ran the filter overnight. This seemed to clear things up for a day, but the cloudiness and bottom silt have returned. Chlorine and pH levels are normal. Is it likely that the problem is, in fact, that I just need to replace the top closure plate? I've ordered one just in case. I run my pump 8 hours a day, and am also wondering if it might help to run it 10 hours. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!
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