New pool owner... small 5,000 gallon above ground pool. Today's test redings... Hardness- 0 Total Chloride- 3 Free Chlorine- 10 (as high as my test reads) Bromime- 20 ( also as high as my test reads) Ph- 7.2 Total Alkalinity- 40 CYA/Stabilizer- 50
Help! I didn't think it was possible for my free chlorine to be higher than my total chlorine. . It's been reading like this for over a week now! Yesterday, I replaced my filter and backwashed some of the water out and refilled it with fresh water to hopefully bring down the levels some but obviously it didn't work. The pool stays uncovered and I've read that the sunlight will eventually break it down but no luck there. I use a chlorinator floater set for the gallons of water in the pool and I haven't shocked in over two weeks. What am I doing wrong here? How can I fix it? And is my pool safe to swim in?