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  1. You might want to fill it with water and see if it works...
  2. I don't think there's really a difference between a dedicated one or not if you have everything else shut off when you test the tub. Generally people have more appliances hooked up than they can turn on all at the same time, and it works out that way.
  3. I guess it's reachable if the pliers didn't just fall in place there. You might be able to cut a piece of pvc pipe to fit inside of it, and glue it in there with hose clamps over it on either side. Flexible pvc will adhere to the plumbing pvc that way, or you might want to cap/clamp it off, if that's simpler (presuming the drain valve is broken there). You can drain a tub with a garden hose without using a drain valve, by putting the hose in the bottom of the tub, turning on the hose for a few seconds to pressurize it, then turning the hose off and removing it from the faucet.
  4. Yeah, if it has to be something that breaks out of the box, it might as well be the rope, until you find something better (not too complicated).
  5. I don't get the impression that chlorine stays in water very long, so you might be able to let it correct itself. In my opinion it's best for it to be low when you're in the water, and added after you get out, then tested only before you get back in, so you won't have to worry about the quirkiness of a test strip until it matters (obviously it would tend to read high just after something was added). Maybe you could figure out how much you need by trail and error, since consulting a tech isn't working.
  6. Also, be sure to read the owner's manual, especially to check that it is set up for winter use, as some tubs have modes for different seasons. Other than that, something the manual may not mention is that you might want to warm yourself up before getting in when it's that cold out: "It is believed that a rapid change in body temperature, attributable to large differences between the bath water temperature and the ambient temperature in the dressing room, is a critical factor that is capable of inducing sudden death, particularly in elderly people"...
  7. Worth a try. 〰️ There's a fiberglass rope (as small as 1/8"), which should be chemical and temperature resistant like the spa shell material, I'd think. By the way, a chemical compatibility chart for nylon says it is probably of temporary usefulness in chlorine water (kind of like polypropylene): 1. Satisfactory to 72°F (22°C) C = Fair, Moderate Effect, not recommended for continuous use. Softening, loss of strength, or swelling may occur At least one chart says that fiberglass is excellent in chlorine water, though that isn't specific to the rope, and there are different types of fiberglass, so it isn't exactly clear to me. Another material is PTFE/Teflon, which is said to be excellent in chlorine water (and most other situations). Now it could be as simple as tying some teflon tape on it, since the thermometer is lightweight (you know, that isn't sticky tape, although it's usually in a little roll, and is sold in hardware stores).Teflon is used to coat other ropes to give them chemical resistance too, including fiberglass rope. Basically, fiberglass is for strength in extreme heat, and PTFE adds chemical protection up to its melting point, which is also high. They say teflon is not affected by UV either. So yeah, maybe now I know more uses of teflon tape (I've used it for a few things here and there).
  8. Okay, it looks like they list a network of repair contacts on that site with info about blisters.
  9. Bathing would not likely be bad for our health, to say the least, since Japanese people live longer lives than most, and coincidentally bathe more too: Preventive and promotive effects of habitual hot spa-bathing on the elderly in Japan They mentioned "balneotherapy" in that article, and there are other articles about stress reduction, rest, and recovery, relative to balneology... really (so are there balneologists)? Well, there's an association, anyway. Okay, so technically it has to do with mineral water, however one of the articles below puts it in context: "Balneotherapy causes local and generalized physiological effects in the organism, which are exerted through both physical mechanisms—mainly linked to heat therapeutic effects—and chemical and biological properties of the agents. While the former are well known, the latter are difficult to identify and assess. Indeed, as a result of the elevated application temperature—generally ranging from 38 to 42 °C—thermotherapeutic effects are the basis of these treatments." Interesting, and other than that, I gather it's important to stay sober and hydrated (with electrolytes and all) since thermoregulation (like sweating) is involved in the process of bathing, and passing out in a deep tub is something to prevent by avoiding imbalances, like dehydration. The highest risk factor for people having an adverse reaction to bathing is an extreme difference in temperature between the water and the air (especially in winter). So that's a kind of stress you'd want to reduce while bathing, perhaps by having an indoor hot tub, or warming up in a shower before getting in, and sitting partially immersed before getting out... there are other studies I linked about this in a topic to do with tub temperature. Just as an article above differentiates between severe heat stress and heat therapy, the activity of bathing is usually stress reducing, although it can be extremely stressful to homeostasis (as in life-threatening), especially if you're not careful. For instance, "A woman who knows or who may not yet be aware that she is pregnant should be advised of the recommended limits of exposure."
  10. There are adapters (or faucet diverters) for connecting a hose to an indoor sink...
  11. I was reading something about that before, here: Blisters... and there are more articles on the subject listed there. They say that harsh chemicals can be one of the contributing causes of blisters (and "the prevailing opinion about the mechanism would indicate water chemistry might affect the rate of blister formation", as could other environmental factors, especially if the spa is not very new).
  12. I don't see how floating up could be an issue, especially if it had arm rests, unless you were sitting on an inflatable raft, or something... look, anyone can float in water if they lay in a floating position. However, if you sit in the lounger properly, that isn't a floating position. You know what though, there was something funny in the news today: a "sitting coach", someone who spots you in the process and gives tips for how to sit down! It's like the latest kind of personal trainer... okay, well, seriously, the more you put your feet up, the more like a floating position that could be (especially if you had jets under them), so a bucket seat would be like a half lounger, where you might have more options for foot placement while reclining. Personally though, I don't even know why floating would be considered a problem, because I'll float in a tub on purpose some of the time, and it's one of those things people usually like to do in water. I mean imagine if someone asked what pool design would prevent them from floating... someone might suggest a pool table I guess.
  13. Imagine if you were describing that you occasionally had to clean off a shelf with a duster, because a film appeared on things sitting there, and no matter what you used to clean it, the film returned. Well yeah, it could have something to do with the fact that there is ALWAYS dirt in the air, and it gets around. To me this is like wondering why spraying air freshener doesn't prevent dust from settling. Has there ever been anything you can spray in the air to solve that problem? I don't see why you'd think it could be done in water either... it can't. I know that either the variety of spa fresheners or all this talk of "shock and awe" might give you that impression, but think about it...
  14. It seems that there has to be a greater concentration of bromine used to get the same result as chlorine (something like twice as much). 🛀 Maybe the problem with having a higher concentration of one versus the other would be the presence of more Trihalomethanes...
  15. I don't know if you'd necessarily want to remove them, because looking at where it is, maybe the cover is soaking up more water and dripping there, rather than it being a leak inside (wild guess).
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