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  1. Do you know or does anyone know if this is a common issue? I feel like I was awfully careful putting the laterals back in, but who knows. What is this Zeolite stuff? and where do you buy it? Also, could the fact that I am vacuuming out old sand that got into the pool last year have any thing to do with sand coming back in through the filter? Or is this probably unrelated?
  2. Hello, So I posted before mentioning sand coming in the pool. Two different pool stores didn't think it was really a multiport valve issue. I just replaced the laterals last year after the filter shot some sand into the pool. So this year I have been vacuuming up some of the sand from last year in the pool and other debris. Lately, I have seen some sand shooting into the pool for a few seconds when I turn the pump on after vacuuming to waste and rinsing. Also, I am seeing some sand shoot out when I first turn the pump on even after its been off all night etc.. The pool store I talked to just now recommended I open the filter and recheck the laterals. He said they could be bent up, or cracked etc.. Has anyone ever experienced a scenario where laterals that were just replaced are now cracked, bent or something similar? WHat would cause this to happen in less than a year? Thanks!
  3. one more thought... should I rinse after vacuuming to waste? or will this make no difference? currently i do rinse after vacuuming to waste. should i continue to do so?
  4. did it only happen when you vacuumed or everytime you turned on the pump?
  5. Long story short: Last year, we had sand shooting in the pool. come to find out the laterals were busted. so we emptied the sand, bought new laterals, new sand and started over. It didnt spit sand for the rest of the year. Now after opening the pool, I vacuum the pool on waste to get the existing sand (and other small debri) from last year out of the pool. After i vacuum, I run the 'rinse' on the valve for about a minute and it is very very clear going out the back. so i shut it off and run filter. For the first 10 seconds of filter, it shoots out what looks like some sand. Any thoughts here? please don't tell me my laterals or sand is bad, because those two items are new. This is driving me nuts.
  6. Another note is that I use chlorine tabs (hockey pucks) in a floating dispenser. So I"m not sure if this affects how much stabilizer I should use.
  7. I have a sand filter. Does this still make sense to add to the skimmer?
  8. Hello, I opened up my pool last week. After a few days its still cloudy. The local store sold me 2lbs of stabilizer to put in the pool to help keep my chlorine levels up, as my reading was 0 (as opposed to 30-50ppm). Two questions: -My pool is 20 by 40 feet, so about 32,000-35,000 gallons. Is 2lbs enough? -How do you put in stabilizer? I read that you can put it in a pillow case or you can put it in the skimmer? which is most effective?
  9. That is an answer I can swallow. I figured that replacing the laterals and sand last year and not seeing sand coming in before this vacuuming must mean that its just a hand full of debri caught in the valve.
  10. Hello! I posted previously about sand/dirt/debris or something coming back into my pool after vacuuming on filter, backwashing, rinsing, and then turning it back on filter.. I feel like I backwashed long enough to see clear water go out the back, same with rinsing. I probably backwash for about 1-2 minutes and rinse for about 45 seconds. After putting it back on filter, I noticed particles coming back into the pool via the jets. It stops a few seconds after and its just a normal flow. I turned on the filter this morning, after leaving the filter off overnight. I noticed it didn't spit out particles/sand/dirty water. Thoughts? So far I hate having a pool. PS. I replaced the laterals last year and the sand is less than a year old.
  11. After vacuuming for a while and feeling the pressure slow, I emptied out the pump basket of all the crap i vacuumed. Then I backwashed till the water going out the back looked clear (through clear valve). Then I rinsed for about half the time i backwashed. then i put the filter back on and saw debri come back into the pool for a few seconds. Will this always happen? I vacuumed a lot of crap in there and didnt see it coming back in the pool as I vacuumed. It just came back in After i vacuumed. Thoughts???? I appreciate the helP!
  12. I noticed today using a direct line to the hole below the basket in the skimmer worked better. So I got a lot of debri out of the pool.. Next issue. After vacuuming for a while and feeling the pressure slow, I emptied out the pump basket of all the crap i vacuumed. Then I backwashed till the water going out the back looked clear (through clear valve). Then I rinsed for about half the time i backwashed. then i put the filter back on and saw debri come back into the pool for a few seconds. Will this always happen? I vacuumed a lot of crap in there and didnt see it coming back in the pool as I vacuumed. It just came back in After i vacuumed. Thoughts???? I appreciate the helP!
  13. Hello. I recently bought a house with an inground pool. I am learning as I go, but the current issue seems to be poor suction when vacuuming. I have a 20 by 40 pool with a 1.5hp pump (very new). The sand filter is in good condition and has newer sand in it (last year). When the pool runs on 'filter', the pressure going into the skimmers looks fine. You can see water flowing into it, as the basket collects leaves etc. My issue is when I vacuum the pool, I seem to get weak/no suction. I end up just moving debri around, rather than vacuuming it up. Setting up the vacuum: Remove all air from the vacuum hose (new hose this year). Attach hose to triangle vacuum piece and pole, while keeping it under water. Then I make sure my vacuum plate is over the skimmer basket. Then I cover vacuum head with my hand and attach it to the vacuum plate real quick, so I don't allow air in. Then when I put my hand under water by the triangle vacuum piece, I barely feel suction. I feel the same suction whether I run waste or filter. What am I missing? All I do is move particles around under water, rather than suck them into the hose line.
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